diff options
2 files changed, 244 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 628b9bb..2cd40c7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -541,25 +541,11 @@ See also the [test logs](/builds/latest/test/).
man ./passt.1
-* run the demo script, that creates a network namespace called `passt`, sets up
- sets up a _veth_ pair and and addresses, together with NAT for IPv4 and NDP
- proxying for IPv6, then starts _passt_ in the network namespace:
+* run the demo script, that detaches user and network namespaces, configures the
+ new network namespace using `pasta`, starts `passt` and, optionally, `qemu`:
-* from the same network namespace, start qemu. At the moment, qemu doesn't
- support UNIX domain sockets for the `socket` back-end. Two alternatives:
- * use the _qrap_ wrapper, which maps a tap socket descriptor to _passt_'s
- UNIX domain socket, for example:
- ip netns exec passt ./qrap 5 qemu-system-x86_64 ... -net socket,fd=5 -net nic,model=virtio ...
- * or patch qemu with [this patch](/passt/tree/qemu/0001-net-Allow-also-UNIX-domain-sockets-to-be-used-as-net.patch)
- and start it like this:
- qemu-system-x86_64 ... -net socket,connect=/tmp/passt.socket -net nic,model=virtio
* alternatively, you can use libvirt, with [this patch](/passt/tree/libvirt/0001-conf-Introduce-support-for-UNIX-domain-socket-as-qem.patch),
to start qemu (with the patch mentioned above), with this kind of network
interface configuration:
@@ -613,6 +599,17 @@ See also the [test logs](/builds/latest/test/).
dhclient -6
+ * alternatively, start pasta as:
+ ./pasta --config-net
+ to let pasta configure networking in the namespace by itself, using
+ `netlink`
+ * ...or run the demo script:
+ doc/demo.sh
* and that's it, you should now have TCP connections, UDP, and ICMP/ICMPv6
echo working from/to the namespace for IPv4 and IPv6
diff --git a/doc/demo.sh b/doc/demo.sh
index f49110a..d39a10e 100755
--- a/doc/demo.sh
+++ b/doc/demo.sh
@@ -4,122 +4,244 @@
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
-# demo.sh - Set up namespaces, addresses and routes to show PASST functionality
+# demo.sh - Set up namespace with pasta, start qemu and passt, step by step
-# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
-get_token() {
- IFS=' '
- __next=0
- for __token in ${@}; do
- [ ${__next} -eq 2 ] && echo "${__token}" && return
- [ "${__token}" = "${1}" ] && __next=$((__next + 1))
- done
- unset IFS
+# mbuto_profile() - Profile for https://mbuto.sh/, sourced, return after setting
+mbuto_profile() {
+ PROGS="${PROGS:-ash,dash,bash ip mount ls ln chmod insmod mkdir sleep
+ lsmod modprobe find grep mknod mv rm umount iperf3 dhclient cat
+ hostname chown socat dd strace ping killall sysctl wget,curl}"
+ KMODS="${KMODS:- virtio_net virtio_pci}"
+ ash,dash,bash /init
+ ash,dash,bash /bin/sh}"
+ DIRS="${DIRS} /tmp /sbin /var/log /var/run /var/lib"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ cat > /sbin/dhclient-script << EOF
+[ -n "\${new_interface_mtu}" ] && ip link set dev \${interface} mtu \${new_interface_mtu}
+[ -n "\${new_ip_address}" ] && ip addr add \${new_ip_address}/\${new_subnet_mask} dev \${interface}
+[ -n "\${new_routers}" ] && for r in \${new_routers}; do ip route add default via \${r} dev \${interface}; done
+[ -n "\${new_domain_name_servers}" ] && for d in \${new_domain_name_servers}; do echo "nameserver \${d}" >> /etc/resolv.conf; done
+[ -n "\${new_domain_name}" ] && echo "search \${new_domain_name}" >> /etc/resolf.conf
+[ -n "\${new_domain_search}" ] && (printf "search"; for d in \${new_domain_search}; do printf " %s" "\${d}"; done; printf "\n") >> /etc/resolv.conf
+[ -n "\${new_ip6_address}" ] && ip addr add \${new_ip6_address}/\${new_ip6_prefixlen} dev \${interface}
+[ -n "\${new_dhcp6_name_servers}" ] && for d in \${new_dhcp6_name_servers}; do echo "nameserver \${d}%\${interface}" >> /etc/resolv.conf; done
+[ -n "\${new_dhcp6_domain_search}" ] && (printf "search"; for d in \${new_dhcp6_domain_search}; do printf " %s" "\${d}"; done; printf "\n") >> /etc/resolv.conf
+[ -n "\${new_host_name}" ] && hostname "\${new_host_name}"
+exit 0
+ chmod 755 /sbin/dhclient-script
+ mkdir -p /etc/dhcp
+ echo "timeout 3;" > /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
+ ln -s /sbin /usr/sbin
+ :> /etc/fstab
+ echo
+ echo "The guest is up and running. Networking is not configured yet:"
+ echo
+ echo "$ ip address show"
+ echo
+ ip address show
+ echo
+ echo "...the next step will take care of that."
+ read x
+ echo "$ ip link set dev eth0 up"
+ ip link set dev eth0 up
+ sleep 3
+ echo "$ /sbin/dhclient -4 -1"
+ /sbin/dhclient -4 -1
+ sleep 2
+ echo "$ /sbin/dhclient -6 -1"
+ /sbin/dhclient -6 -1
+ sleep 2
+ echo
+ echo "$ ip address show"
+ ip address show
+ echo
+ echo "$ ip route show"
+ ip route show
+ echo
+ echo "...done."
+ read x
+ echo "Checking connectivity..."
+ echo
+ echo "$ wget --no-check-certificate https://passt.top/ || curl -k https://passt.top/"
+ wget --no-check-certificate https://passt.top/ || curl -k https://passt.top/
+ echo "...done."
+ read x
+ echo "An interactive shell will start now. When you are done,"
+ echo "use ^C to terminate the guest and exit the demo."
+ echo
+ sh +m
-ipv6_dev() { get_token "dev" $(ip -o -6 route show default | grep via); }
-ipv6_devaddr() { get_token "inet6" $(ip -o -6 addr show dev "${1}" scope global); }
-ipv6_ll_addr() { get_token "inet6" $(ip -o -6 addr show dev "${1}" scope link); }
-ipv6_mask() { echo ${1#*/}; }
-ipv6_mangle() {
- IFS=':'
- __c=0
- for __16b in ${1%%/*}; do
- if [ ${__c} -lt 7 ]; then
- printf "${__16b}:"
- else
- printf "%04x\n" $((0xabc0 + ${2})) && break
- fi
- __c=$((__c + 1))
- done
- unset IFS
+[ "${0##*/}" = "mbuto" ] && mbuto_profile && return 0
+# cmd() - Show command being executed, then run it
+# $@: Command and arguments
+cmd() {
+ echo "$" "$@"
+ "$@"
+# next() - Go to next step once a key is pressed, sets $KEY
+next() {
+ KEY="$(dd ibs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)"
+ echo
-ndp_setup() {
- sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp=1
- ip -6 neigh add proxy "${1}" dev "$(ipv6_dev)"
+# cleanup() - Terminate pasta and passt, clean up, restore TTY settings
+cleanup() {
+ [ -f "${DEMO_DIR}/pasta.pid" ] && kill "$(cat "${DEMO_DIR}/pasta.pid")"
+ [ -f "${DEMO_DIR}/passt.pid" ] && kill "$(cat "${DEMO_DIR}/passt.pid")"
+ rm -rf "${DEMO_DIR}" 2>/dev/null
+ [ -n "${STTY_BACKUP}" ] && stty "${STTY_BACKUP}"
+# start_pasta_delayed() - Start pasta once $DEMO_DIR/pasta.wait is gone
+start_pasta_delayed() {
+ trap '' EXIT
+ while [ -d "${DEMO_DIR}/pasta.wait" ]; do sleep 1; done
+ cmd pasta --config-net -P "${DEMO_DIR}/pasta.pid" \
+ "$(cat "${DEMO_DIR}/shell.pid")"
+ echo
+ echo "...pasta is running."
+ exit 0
- for i in `seq 1 63`; do
- __neigh="$(ipv6_mangle ${1} ${i})"
- if [ "${__neigh}" != "${1}" ]; then
- ip -6 neigh add proxy "${__neigh}" dev "${2}"
- fi
- done
+# into_ns() - Entry point and demo script to run inside new namespace
+into_ns() {
+ echo "We're in the new namespace now."
+ next
+ echo "Networking is not configured yet:"
+ echo
+ cmd ip link show
+ echo
+ cmd ip address show
+ next
+ echo "Let's run pasta(1) to configure networking and connect this"
+ echo "namespace. Note that we'll run pasta(1) from outside this"
+ echo "namespace, because it needs to implement the connection between"
+ echo "this namespace and the initial (\"outer\") one."
+ next
+ echo "$$" > "${DEMO_DIR}/shell.pid"
+ rmdir "${DEMO_DIR}/pasta.wait"
+ next
+ echo "Back to the new namespace, networking is configured:"
+ echo
+ cmd ip link show
+ echo
+ cmd ip address show
+ next
+ echo "and we can now start passt(1), to connect this namespace to a"
+ echo "virtual machine. If you want to start a shell in this namespace,"
+ echo "press 's' now. Exiting the shell will resume the script."
+ next
+ [ "${KEY}" = "s" ] && ${SHELL}
+ cmd passt -P "${DEMO_DIR}/passt.pid"
+ echo
+ echo "...passt is running."
+ next
+ __arch="$(uname -m)"
+ case ${__arch} in
+ x86_64)
+ __arch_supported=1
+ __qemu_arch="qemu-system-x86_64 -M pc,accel=kvm:tcg"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ __arch_supported=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "${__arch_supported}" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "We're ready to start a virtual machine now. This script"
+ echo "can download and use mbuto (https://mbuto.sh/) to build a"
+ echo "basic initramfs image. Otherwise, press 's' to skip this"
+ echo "step, and start an existing virtual machine yourself."
+ echo "You'll need to use the qrap(1) wrapper, with qemu options"
+ echo "as reported above."
+ next
+ else
+ echo "This script doesn't know, yet, how to run a virtual"
+ echo "machine on your architecture (${__arch}). Please start an"
+ echo "existing virtual machine yourself, using the qrap(1)"
+ echo "wrapper, with qemu options as reported above."
+ echo
+ fi
+ if [ "${__arch_supported}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${KEY}" = "s" ]; then
+ echo "Start a virtual machine now. Pressing any key here will"
+ echo "terminate passt and pasta, and clean up."
+ next
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ cmd git -C "${DEMO_DIR}" clone git://mbuto.sh/mbuto
+ echo
+ cmd "${DEMO_DIR}/mbuto/mbuto" \
+ -p "$(realpath "${0}")" -f "${DEMO_DIR}/demo.img"
+ echo
+ echo "The guest image is ready. The next step will start the guest."
+ echo "Use ^C to terminate it."
+ next
+ cmd qrap 5 qemu-system-x86_64 -M pc,accel=kvm:tcg \
+ -smp "$(nproc)" -m 1024 \
+ -nographic -serial stdio -nodefaults -no-reboot -vga none \
+ -initrd "${DEMO_DIR}/demo.img" \
+ -kernel "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" -append "console=ttyS0" \
+ -net socket,fd=5 -net nic,model=virtio || :
-for i in `seq 1 63`; do
- ns="passt_${i}"
- ns_idx=${i}
- busy=0
- for p in $(pidof passt); do
- [ "$(ip netns identify ${p})" = "${ns}" ] && busy=1 && break
- done
- [ ${busy} -eq 0 ] && break
-[ ${busy} -ne 0 ] && echo "Couldn't create namespace" && exit 1
-ip netns del "${ns}" 2>/dev/null || :
-ip netns add "${ns}"
-ip link del "veth_${ns}" 2>/dev/null || :
-ip link add "veth_${ns}" up netns "${ns}" type veth peer name "veth_${ns}"
-ip link set dev "veth_${ns}" up
-ip link set dev "veth_${ns}" mtu 65535
-ip -n "${ns}" link set dev "veth_${ns}" mtu 65535
-ip -n "${ns}" link set dev lo up
-ipv4_main="192.0.2.$(((ns_idx - 1) * 4 + 1))"
-ipv4_ns="192.0.2.$(((ns_idx - 1) * 4 + 2))"
-ip -n "${ns}" addr add "${ipv4_ns}/30" dev "veth_${ns}"
-ip addr add "${ipv4_main}/30" dev "veth_${ns}"
-ip -n "${ns}" route add default via "${ipv4_main}"
-sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
-nft delete table "${ns}_nat" 2>/dev/null || :
-nft add table "${ns}_nat"
-nft add chain "${ns}_nat" postrouting '{ type nat hook postrouting priority -100 ; }'
-nft add rule "${ns}_nat" postrouting ip saddr "${ipv4_ns}" masquerade
-ipv6_addr="$(ipv6_devaddr "$(ipv6_dev)")"
-if [ -n "${ipv6_addr}" ]; then
- ipv6_passt="$(ipv6_mangle "${ipv6_addr}" ${ns_idx})"
- ndp_setup "${ipv6_passt}" "veth_${ns}"
- ip -n "${ns}" addr add "${ipv6_passt}/$(ipv6_mask "${ipv6_addr}")" dev "veth_${ns}"
- ip addr add "${ipv6_addr}" dev "veth_${ns}"
- ip route add "${ipv6_passt}" dev "veth_${ns}"
- passt_ll="$(ipv6_ll_addr "veth_${ns}")"
- main_ll="$(get_token "link/ether" $(ip -o link show "veth_${ns}"))"
- ip neigh add "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev "veth_${ns}" lladdr "${main_ll}"
- ip -n "${ns}" route add default via "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev "veth_${ns}"
- sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
- ipv6_passt=
-ethtool -K "veth_${ns}" tx off
-ip netns exec "${ns}" ethtool -K "veth_${ns}" tx off
-ip netns exec "${ns}" sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
-sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16777216
-sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216
-sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=16777216
-sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=16777216
-sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="16777216 131072 16777216"
-sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="16777216 131072 16777216"
-echo "Namespace ${ns} set up, addresses:"
-echo " ${ipv4_ns}"
-echo " ${ipv6_passt}"
-echo "Starting passt..."
-ip netns exec "${ns}" ./passt -f -e -t all -u all
+STTY_BACKUP="$(stty -g)"
+stty -icanon
+trap cleanup EXIT INT
+[ "${1}" = "into_ns" ] && into_ns && exit 0
+DEMO_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
+mkdir "${DEMO_DIR}/pasta.wait"
+echo "This script sets up a network and user namespace using pasta(1), then"
+echo "starts a virtual machine in it, connected via passt(1), pausing at every"
+echo "step. Press any key to go to the next step."
+echo "Let's create the network and user namespace, first. This could be done"
+echo "with pasta(1) itself (just issue \`pasta\`), but for the sake of this"
+echo "script we'll create it first with unshare(1), and run the next steps"
+echo "of this script from there."
+start_pasta_delayed &
+DEMO_DIR="${DEMO_DIR}" cmd unshare -rUn "${0}" into_ns
+exit 0