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2 files changed, 38 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/selinux/passt-repair.te b/contrib/selinux/passt-repair.te
index e3ffbcd..f171be6 100644
--- a/contrib/selinux/passt-repair.te
+++ b/contrib/selinux/passt-repair.te
@@ -28,12 +28,22 @@ require {
type console_device_t;
type user_devpts_t;
type user_tmp_t;
+ # Workaround: passt-repair needs to needs to access socket files
+ # that passt, started by libvirt, might create under different
+ # labels, depending on whether passt is started as root or not.
+ #
+ # However, libvirt doesn't maintain its own policy, which makes
+ # updates particularly complicated. To avoid breakage in the short
+ # term, deal with that in passt's own policy.
+ type qemu_var_run_t;
+ type virt_var_run_t;
type passt_repair_t;
type passt_repair_exec_t;
role unconfined_r types passt_repair_t;
@@ -41,7 +51,8 @@ allow passt_repair_t passt_repair_exec_t:file { read execute execute_no_trans en
type_transition unconfined_t passt_repair_exec_t:process passt_repair_t;
allow unconfined_t passt_repair_t:process transition;
-allow passt_repair_t self:capability { dac_override net_admin net_raw };
+allow passt_repair_t self:capability { dac_override dac_read_search net_admin net_raw };
+allow passt_repair_t self:capability2 bpf;
allow passt_repair_t console_device_t:chr_file { append open getattr read write ioctl };
allow passt_repair_t user_devpts_t:chr_file { append open getattr read write ioctl };
@@ -50,9 +61,27 @@ allow passt_repair_t unconfined_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto read write };
allow passt_repair_t passt_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto read write };
allow passt_repair_t user_tmp_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto read write };
+allow passt_repair_t user_tmp_t:dir search;
allow passt_repair_t unconfined_t:sock_file { read write };
allow passt_repair_t passt_t:sock_file { read write };
allow passt_repair_t user_tmp_t:sock_file { read write };
allow passt_repair_t unconfined_t:tcp_socket { read setopt write };
allow passt_repair_t passt_t:tcp_socket { read setopt write };
+# Workaround: passt-repair needs to needs to access socket files
+# that passt, started by libvirt, might create under different
+# labels, depending on whether passt is started as root or not.
+# However, libvirt doesn't maintain its own policy, which makes
+# updates particularly complicated. To avoid breakage in the short
+# term, deal with that in passt's own policy.
+allow passt_repair_t qemu_var_run_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto read write };
+allow passt_repair_t virt_var_run_t:unix_stream_socket { connectto read write };
+allow passt_repair_t qemu_var_run_t:dir search;
+allow passt_repair_t virt_var_run_t:dir search;
+allow passt_repair_t qemu_var_run_t:sock_file { read write };
+allow passt_repair_t virt_var_run_t:sock_file { read write };
diff --git a/contrib/selinux/passt.te b/contrib/selinux/passt.te
index f595079..f8ea672 100644
--- a/contrib/selinux/passt.te
+++ b/contrib/selinux/passt.te
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ require {
# particularly complicated. To avoid breakage in the short term,
# deal with it in passt's own policy.
type svirt_image_t;
+ type svirt_tmpfs_t;
+ type svirt_t;
+ type null_device_t;
class file { ioctl getattr setattr create read write unlink open relabelto execute execute_no_trans map };
class dir { search write add_name remove_name mounton };
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ require {
type net_conf_t;
type proc_net_t;
type node_t;
- class tcp_socket { create accept listen name_bind name_connect getattr };
+ class tcp_socket { create accept listen name_bind name_connect getattr ioctl };
class udp_socket { create accept listen };
class icmp_socket { bind create name_bind node_bind setopt read write };
class sock_file { create unlink write };
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ corenet_udp_sendrecv_all_ports(passt_t)
allow passt_t node_t:icmp_socket { name_bind node_bind };
allow passt_t port_t:icmp_socket name_bind;
-allow passt_t self:tcp_socket { create getopt setopt connect bind listen accept shutdown read write getattr };
+allow passt_t self:tcp_socket { create getopt setopt connect bind listen accept shutdown read write getattr ioctl };
allow passt_t self:udp_socket { create getopt setopt connect bind read write };
allow passt_t self:icmp_socket { bind create setopt read write };
@@ -143,3 +146,5 @@ allow passt_t unconfined_t:unix_stream_socket { read write };
# particularly complicated. To avoid breakage in the short term,
# deal with it in passt's own policy.
allow passt_t svirt_image_t:file { read write map };
+allow passt_t svirt_tmpfs_t:file { read write map };
+allow passt_t null_device_t:chr_file map;