path: root/test/lib/term
diff options
authorStefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>2021-09-27 15:10:35 +0200
committerStefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>2021-09-27 15:10:35 +0200
commit061519b5620f594b5e5711ae6f3372ff152bc14c (patch)
tree6f46a496ddc61b4959c4da9c5b6b3eddfd876cf8 /test/lib/term
parentca325e7583ad7c2f02193813289d1a1cfa17bf7a (diff)
test: Add CI/demo scripts
Not really quick, definitely dirty. Signed-off-by: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lib/term')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lib/term b/test/lib/term
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48f0f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/term
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/term - Set up tmux sessions and panes, handle terminals and logs
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# Commands of X terminals for "CI" and "demo" runs
+DEMO_XTERM="cool-retro-term --verbose --workdir"
+CI_XTERM="mate-terminal --hide-menubar --profile=passt_ci --working-directory"
+PR_DELAY_INIT=100 # ms
+# info() - Highlight test log pane, print message to it and to log file
+# $@: Message to print
+info() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ echo "${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ echo "${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_n() - Highlight, print message to pane and to log file without newline
+# $@: Message to print
+info_n() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf "${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf "${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_nolog() - Highlight test log pane, print message to it
+# $@: Message to print
+info_nolog() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ echo "${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+# info_nolog() - Print message to log file
+# $@: Message to print
+log() {
+ echo "${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_nolog_n() - Send message to pane without highlighting it, without newline
+# $@: Message to print
+info_nolog_n() {
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} "${@}"
+# info_sep() - Print given separator, horizontally filling test log pane
+# $1: Separator character
+info_sep() {
+ tmux send-keys -l -N ${STATUS_COLS} -t ${PANE_INFO} "${1}"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} C-m
+# sleep_char() - Sleep for typed characted resembling interactive input
+# $1: Character typed to pane
+sleep_char() {
+ [ ${FAST} -eq 1 ] && return
+ if [ "${1}" = " " ]; then
+ PR_DELAY=$((PR_DELAY + 40))
+ elif [ -n "$(printf '%s' "${1}" | tr -d [:alnum:])" ]; then
+ PR_DELAY=$((PR_DELAY + 30))
+ elif [ ${PR_DELAY} -ge 30 ]; then
+ PR_DELAY=$((PR_DELAY / 3 * 2))
+ fi
+ sleep "$(printf 0.%03i ${PR_DELAY})" || sleep 1
+# display_delay() - Simple delay, omitted if $FAST is set
+display_delay() {
+ [ ${FAST} -eq 1 ] && return
+ sleep "${1}" || sleep 1
+# switch_pane() - Highlight given pane and reset character delay
+# $1: Pane number
+switch_pane() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${1}
+ display_delay "0.2"
+# cmd_write() - Write a command to a pane, letter by letter, and execute it
+# $1: Pane number
+# $@: Command to issue
+cmd_write() {
+ __pane_no=${1}
+ shift
+ switch_pane ${__pane_no}
+ __str="${@}"
+ while [ -n "${__str}" ]; do
+ __rem="${__str#?}"
+ __first="${__str%"$__rem"}"
+ if [ "${__first}" = ";" ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${__pane_no} -l '\;'
+ else
+ tmux send-keys -t ${__pane_no} -l "${__first}"
+ fi
+ sleep_char "${__first}"
+ __str="${__rem}"
+ done
+ tmux send-keys -t ${__pane_no} "C-m"
+# text_write() - Write text to info pane, letter by letter
+# $1: Pane number
+# $@: Command to issue
+text_write() {
+ __str="${@}"
+ while [ -n "${__str}" ]; do
+ __rem="${__str#?}"
+ __first="${__str%"$__rem"}"
+ if [ "${__first}" = ";" ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -l '\;'
+ else
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -l "${__first}"
+ fi
+ sleep_char "${__first}"
+ __str="${__rem}"
+ done
+# text_backspace() - Slow backspace motion for demo
+# $1: Number of backspace characters
+text_backspace() {
+ for __count in $(seq 0 ${1}); do
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ sleep 0.1
+ done
+# em_write() - Write to log pane in red, for demo
+# $@: Text
+em_write() {
+ info_n "${PR_RED}${@}${PR_NC}"
+# pane_kill() - Kill a single pane given its name
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_kill() {
+ __pane_number=$(eval echo \$PANE_${1})
+ tmux kill-pane -t ${__pane_number}
+# pane_highlight() - Highlight a single pane given its name
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_highlight() {
+ __pane_number=$(eval echo \$PANE_${1})
+ switch_pane ${__pane_number}
+ sleep 3
+# pane_run() - Issue a command in given pane name
+# $1: Pane name
+# $@: Command to issue
+pane_run() {
+ __pane_name="${1}"
+ shift
+ __pane_number=$(eval echo \$PANE_${__pane_name})
+ eval ${__pane_name}_LAST_CMD=\"\${@}\"
+ cmd_write ${__pane_number} "${@}"
+# pane_wait() - Wait for command to be done in given pane name
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_wait() {
+ __pane_lc="$(echo "${1}" | tr [A-Z] [a-z])"
+ while [ "$(tail -n1 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log)" != '$ ' ] && \
+ [ "$(tail -n1 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log)" != '# ' ] && \
+ [ "$(tail -n1 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log)" != '# # ' ]; do
+ sleep 0.1 || sleep 1
+ done
+# pane_parse() - Print last line, @EMPTY@ if command had no output
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_parse() {
+ __pane_lc="$(echo "${1}" | tr [A-Z] [a-z])"
+ __buf="$(tail -n2 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log | head -n1 | tr -d -c [:print:])"
+ [ "# $(eval printf '%s' \"\$${1}_LAST_CMD\")" != "${__buf}" ] && \
+ [ "$ $(eval printf '%s' \"\$${1}_LAST_CMD\")" != "${__buf}" ] &&
+ printf '%s' "${__buf}" || printf '@EMPTY@'
+# status_file_end() - Display and log messages when tests from one file are done
+status_file_end() {
+ [ -z "${STATUS_FILE}" ] && return
+ info_sep "="
+ log
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T ""
+# status_file_start() - Display and log messages when tests from one file start
+status_file_start() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ status_file_end
+ info_nolog "Starting tests in file: ${1}\n"
+ log "=== ${1}"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "${1}"
+ STATUS_FILE="${1}"
+# status_file_start() - Display and log messages when a single test starts
+status_test_start() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "Starting test: ${1}"
+ log "> ${1}"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "${STATUS_FILE} [${STATUS_FILE_INDEX}/${STATUS_FILE_NTESTS}] - ${1}"
+# info_check() - Display and log messages for a single test condition check
+info_check() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf "${PR_YELLOW}?${PR_NC} ${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf "? ${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_check_passed() - Display and log a new line when a check passes
+info_check_passed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf "\n" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf "\n" >> ${LOGFILE}
+# info_check_failed() - Display and log messages when a check fails
+info_check_failed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf " ${PR_RED}!${PR_NC}\n" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf " < failed.\n" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_passed() - Display, log, and make status bar blink when a test passes
+info_passed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "...${PR_GREEN}passed${PR_NC}.\n"
+ log "...passed."
+ log
+ for i in `seq 1 3`; do
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour2 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ done
+# info_failed() - Display, log, and make status bar blink when a test passes
+info_failed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "...${PR_RED}failed${PR_NC}.\n"
+ log "...failed."
+ log
+ for i in `seq 1 3`; do
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour196 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ done
+ pause_continue \
+ "Press any key to pause test session" \
+ "Resuming in " \
+ "Paused, press any key to continue" \
+ 5
+# info_skipped() - Display and log skipped test
+info_skipped() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "...${PR_YELLOW}skipped${PR_NC}.\n"
+ log "...skipped."
+ log
+# info_layout() - Display string for new test layout
+info_layout() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "Test layout: ${PR_BLUE}${@}${PR_NC}.\n"
+# status_test_ok() - Update counter of passed tests, log and display message
+status_test_ok() {
+ tmux set status-right "PASS: ${STATUS_PASS} | FAIL: ${STATUS_FAIL} | #(TZ="UTC" date -Iseconds)"
+ info_passed
+# status_test_fail() - Update counter of failed tests, log and display message
+status_test_fail() {
+ tmux set status-right "PASS: ${STATUS_PASS} | FAIL: ${STATUS_FAIL} | #(TZ="UTC" date -Iseconds)"
+ info_failed
+# status_test_fail() - Update counter of failed tests, log and display message
+status_test_skip() {
+ info_skipped
+# table_header() - Print table header to log pane
+# $1: Header description
+# $@: Column headers
+table_header() {
+ perf_th ${@}
+ __ifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS=" "
+ __desc="${1}"
+ shift
+ __max_len=4
+ __count=0
+ for __h in ${@}; do
+ [ ${#__h} -gt ${__max_len} ] && __max_len=${#__h}
+ __count=$((__count + 1))
+ done
+ # > xxxx |<
+ __outer_len=$((__max_len + 3))
+ __width_fields=$((__outer_len * __count + 1))
+ TABLE_HEADER_LEFT=$((STATUS_COLS - __width_fields))
+ TABLE_CELL_SIZE=$((__max_len + 2))
+ TABLE_COLS=${__count}
+ __pad_left=$((TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__desc} - 2))
+ __buf="$(printf %-${__pad_left}s%s "" "${__desc}: ")"
+ for __h in ${@}; do
+ __pad_left=$(( (TABLE_CELL_SIZE - ${#__h} + 1) / 2))
+ __pad_right=$(( (TABLE_CELL_SIZE - ${#__h}) / 2))
+ __buf="${__buf}$(printf "|%-${__pad_left}s%s%-${__pad_right}s" "" ${__h} "")"
+ done
+ info_n "${__buf}|"
+ IFS="${__ifs}"
+# table_row() - Print main table row to log pane
+# $@: Column headers
+table_row() {
+ perf_tr ${@}
+ __line="${@}"
+ __buf="$(printf %-${TABLE_HEADER_LEFT}s "")"
+ for __i in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_COLS}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}|"
+ for __j in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_CELL_SIZE}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}-"
+ done
+ done
+ info_n "\n${__buf}|\n"
+ __pad_left=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line} + 1) / 2))
+ __pad_right=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line}) / 2))
+ info_n "$(printf "%-${__pad_left}s%s%-${__pad_right}s|" "" "${__line}" "")"
+# table_line() - Print simple line to log pane
+# $@: Column headers
+table_line() {
+ perf_tr ${@}
+ __line="${@}"
+ info_n "\n"
+ __pad_left=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line} + 1) / 2))
+ __pad_right=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line}) / 2))
+ info_n "$(printf "%-${__pad_left}s%s%-${__pad_right}s|" "" "${__line}" "")"
+table_cell() {
+ __len="${1}"
+ shift
+ __content="${@}"
+ __pad_left=$((TABLE_CELL_SIZE - __len - 1))
+ info_n "$(printf "%-${__pad_left}s%s |" "" "${__content}")"
+table_end() {
+ __buf="$(printf %-${TABLE_HEADER_LEFT}s "")"
+ for __i in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_COLS}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}'"
+ for __j in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_CELL_SIZE}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}-"
+ done
+ done
+ info_n "\n${__buf}'\n"
+table_value_throughput() {
+ [ "${1}" = "-" ] && table_cell 1 "-" && perf_td 0 "" && return 0
+ __v="$(echo "scale=1; x=( ${1} + 10^8 / 2 ) / 10^9; if ( x < 1 && x > 0 ) print 0; x" | bc -l)"
+ perf_td 31 "${__v}"
+ __red="${2}"
+ __yellow="${3}"
+ if [ "$(echo "${__v} < ${__red}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_RED}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ elif [ "$(echo "${__v} < ${__yellow}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_YELLOW}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ else
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_GREEN}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+table_value_latency() {
+ [ "${1}" = "-" ] && table_cell 1 "-" && perf_td 0 "" && return 0
+ __v="$(echo "scale=6; 1 / ${1} * 10^6" | bc -l)"
+ __v="${__v%.*}"
+ perf_td 11 "${__v}"
+ __red="${2}"
+ __yellow="${3}"
+ if [ "$(echo "${__v} > ${__red}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_RED}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ elif [ "$(echo "${__v} > ${__yellow}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_YELLOW}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ else
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_GREEN}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+# pause_continue() - Pause for a while, wait for keystroke, resume on second one
+pause_continue() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "${1}"
+ info_nolog_n "${2}"
+ __pause_tmp="$(mktemp)"
+ echo >> "${__pause_tmp}"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_INFO} "cat >> ${__pause_tmp}"
+ __pane_buf=
+ __wait=0
+ sleep 1
+ for __i in $(seq ${4} -1 0); do
+ if [ "$(tail -n1 ${__pause_tmp} | tr -d -c [:print:])" != "${__pane_buf}" ]; then
+ __wait=1
+ break
+ fi
+ if [ ${__i} -ne ${4} ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ __pane_buf="${__pane_buf} "
+ fi
+ info_nolog_n "${__i} "
+ __pane_buf="${__pane_buf}${__i} "
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if [ ${__wait} -eq 1 ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ info_nolog ""
+ info_nolog "${3}"
+ __pane_buf="$(tail -n1 ${__pause_tmp})"
+ while true; do
+ [ "$(tail -n1 ${__pause_tmp})" != "${__pane_buf}" ] && break
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ fi
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_INFO} ""
+ rm "${__pause_tmp}"
+ info_nolog ""
+# run_term() - Start tmux session, X terminal if requested, running entry point
+run_term() {
+ export SHELL="/bin/sh"
+ if [ ${CI} -eq 1 ]; then
+ __xterm_done="$(mktemp)"
+ ${CI_XTERM} "$(pwd)" -e "sh -c \"printf '\e[8;50;240t'; tmux new-session -s passt_test ./ci from_term; echo >${__xterm_done}\""
+ while ! [ -s "${__xterm_done}" ]; do sleep 1; done
+ rm "${__xterm_done}"
+ elif [ ${DEMO} -eq 1 ]; then
+ while true; do
+ ${DEMO_XTERM} "$(pwd)" -e sh -c 'tmux new-session -s passt_test ./run_demo from_term'
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && { tmux kill-session -t passt_test; continue; }
+ break
+ done
+ else
+ tmux new-session -s passt_test ./run from_term
+ fi
+# term() - Set up terminal window and panes for regular tests or CI
+term() {
+ tmux set status-interval 1
+ tmux rename-window ''
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux set window-status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux new-window -n "Testing commit: ${COMMIT}"
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux set window-status-current-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set status-right '#(TZ="UTC" date -Iseconds)'
+ tmux set status-right-length 50
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set history-limit 500000
+ tmux select-pane -t 0 -T ''
+ tmux set pane-border-format '#T'
+ tmux set pane-border-style 'fg=colour2 bg=colour233'
+ tmux set pane-active-border-style 'fg=colour233 bg=colour4 bold'
+ tmux set pane-border-status bottom
+# term_demo() - Set up terminal window and panes for demo
+term_demo() {
+ tmux set status-interval 1
+ tmux rename-window ''
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux set window-status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour15 bold'
+ tmux set status-right ''
+ tmux set status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour15 bold'
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour15 bold'
+ tmux new-window -n "Demo at commit: ${COMMIT}"
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux select-pane -t 0 -T ''
+ tmux set pane-border-format '#T'
+ tmux set pane-border-style 'fg=colour2 bg=colour233'
+ tmux set pane-active-border-style 'fg=colour15 bg=colour4 bold'
+ tmux set pane-border-status bottom