path: root/doc
diff options
authorStefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>2021-05-21 11:14:51 +0200
committerStefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>2021-05-21 11:14:51 +0200
commit19d254bbbb3ab319d15891ff7287f5182980c105 (patch)
tree160fbdecfe6b6e255e05236590325260be51cfd4 /doc
parent8ce188ecb0a0d19874f8c0e663d5d8adffa50d43 (diff)
passt: Add support for multiple instances in different network namespaces
...sharing the same filesystem. Instead of a fixed path for the UNIX domain socket, passt now uses a path with a counter, probing for existing instances, and picking the first free one. The demo script is updated accordingly -- it can now be started several times to create multiple namespaces with an instance of passt each, with addressing reflecting separate subnets, and NDP proxying between them. Signed-off-by: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/doc/demo.sh b/doc/demo.sh
index 5aed7f0..c7d2eac 100755
--- a/doc/demo.sh
+++ b/doc/demo.sh
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ipv6_mangle() {
if [ ${__c} -lt 7 ]; then
printf "${__16b}:"
- printf "abcd\n" && break
+ printf "%04x\n" $((0xabc0 + ${2})) && break
__c=$((__c + 1))
@@ -40,43 +40,66 @@ ipv6_mangle() {
ndp_setup() {
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp=1
ip -6 neigh add proxy "${1}" dev "$(ipv6_dev)"
+ for i in `seq 1 63`; do
+ __neigh="$(ipv6_mangle ${1} ${i})"
+ if [ "${__neigh}" != "${1}" ]; then
+ ip -6 neigh add proxy "${__neigh}" dev "${2}"
+ fi
+ done
-ip netns del passt 2>/dev/null || :
-ip link del veth_passt 2>/dev/null || :
-ip netns add passt
-ip link add veth_passt up netns passt type veth peer name veth_passt
-ip link set dev veth_passt up
-ip -n passt link set dev lo up
+for i in `seq 1 63`; do
+ ns="passt_${i}"
+ ns_idx=${i}
+ busy=0
+ for p in $(pidof passt); do
+ [ "$(ip netns identify ${p})" = "${ns}" ] && busy=1 && break
+ done
+ [ ${busy} -eq 0 ] && break
+[ ${busy} -ne 0 ] && echo "Couldn't create namespace" && exit 1
+ip netns del "${ns}" 2>/dev/null || :
+ip netns add "${ns}"
+ip link del "veth_${ns}" 2>/dev/null || :
+ip link add "veth_${ns}" up netns "${ns}" type veth peer name "veth_${ns}"
+ip link set dev "veth_${ns}" up
+ip -n "${ns}" link set dev lo up
+ipv4_main="192.0.2.$(((ns_idx - 1) * 4 + 1))"
+ipv4_ns="192.0.2.$(((ns_idx - 1) * 4 + 2))"
-ip -n passt addr add dev veth_passt
-ip addr add dev veth_passt
-ip -n passt route add default via
+ip -n "${ns}" addr add "${ipv4_ns}/30" dev "veth_${ns}"
+ip addr add "${ipv4_main}/30" dev "veth_${ns}"
+ip -n "${ns}" route add default via "${ipv4_main}"
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
-nft delete table passt_nat 2>/dev/null || :
-nft add table passt_nat
-nft 'add chain passt_nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority -100 ; }'
-nft add rule passt_nat postrouting ip saddr masquerade
+nft delete table "${ns}_nat" 2>/dev/null || :
+nft add table "${ns}_nat"
+nft add chain "${ns}_nat" postrouting '{ type nat hook postrouting priority -100 ; }'
+nft add rule "${ns}_nat" postrouting ip saddr "${ipv4_ns}" masquerade
ipv6_addr="$(ipv6_devaddr "$(ipv6_dev)")"
-ipv6_passt="$(ipv6_mangle "${ipv6_addr}")"
-ndp_setup "${ipv6_passt}"
-ip -n passt addr add "${ipv6_passt}/$(ipv6_mask "${ipv6_addr}")" dev veth_passt
-ip addr add "${ipv6_addr}" dev veth_passt
-ip route add "${ipv6_passt}" dev veth_passt
-passt_ll="$(ipv6_ll_addr "veth_passt")"
-main_ll="$(get_token "link/ether" $(ip -o li sh veth_passt))"
-ip neigh add "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev veth_passt lladdr "${main_ll}"
-ip -n passt route add default via "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev veth_passt
+ipv6_passt="$(ipv6_mangle "${ipv6_addr}" ${ns_idx})"
+ndp_setup "${ipv6_passt}" "veth_${ns}"
+ip -n "${ns}" addr add "${ipv6_passt}/$(ipv6_mask "${ipv6_addr}")" dev "veth_${ns}"
+ip addr add "${ipv6_addr}" dev "veth_${ns}"
+ip route add "${ipv6_passt}" dev "veth_${ns}"
+passt_ll="$(ipv6_ll_addr "veth_${ns}")"
+main_ll="$(get_token "link/ether" $(ip -o li sh "veth_${ns}"))"
+ip neigh add "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev "veth_${ns}" lladdr "${main_ll}"
+ip -n "${ns}" route add default via "${passt_ll%%/*}" dev "veth_${ns}"
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
-ethtool -K veth_passt tx off
-ip netns exec passt ethtool -K veth_passt tx off
-ip netns exec passt sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
+ethtool -K "veth_${ns}" tx off
+ip netns exec "${ns}" ethtool -K "veth_${ns}" tx off
+ip netns exec "${ns}" sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16777216
@@ -84,5 +107,12 @@ sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=16777216
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=16777216
+echo "Namespace ${ns} set up, addresses:"
+echo " ${ipv4_ns}"
+echo " ${ipv6_passt}"
+echo "Starting passt..."
-ip netns exec passt ./passt
+ip netns exec "${ns}" ./passt