path: root/contrib/apparmor/usr.bin.passt
blob: 96b61ef68e40eea4f88985271fe79dfc57fe2fa5 (plain) (tree)












# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
#  for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
#  for network namespace/tap device mode
# contrib/apparmor/usr.bin.passt - AppArmor profile for passt(1) and pasta(1)
# Copyright (c) 2022 Red Hat GmbH
# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>

abi <abi/3.0>,

include <tunables/global>

profile passt /usr/bin/passt{,.avx2} flags=(attach_disconnected) {
  ### Common rules for passt and pasta

  include <abstractions/base>

  # Alternatively: include <abstractions/nameservice>
  @{etc_ro}/resolv.conf			r,	# get_dns(), conf.c

  capability net_bind_service,			# isolation.c, conf.c
  capability setuid,
  capability setgid,
  capability sys_admin,
  capability setpcap,
  capability net_admin,
  capability sys_ptrace,

  /					r,	# isolate_prefork(), isolation.c
  mount		""	-> "/",
  mount		""	-> "/tmp/",
  pivot_root	"/tmp/" -> "/tmp/",
  umount	"/",

  network netlink raw,				# nl_sock_init_do(), netlink.c

  network inet stream,				# tcp.c
  network inet6 stream,

  network inet dgram,				# udp.c
  network inet6 dgram,

  network unix stream,				# tap.c

  network unix dgram,				# __openlog(), log.c

  # Alternatively: include <abstractions/user-tmp>
  owner /tmp/**				w,	# tap_sock_unix_init(), pcap(),
						# write_pidfile(),
						# logfile_init()

  owner @{HOME}/**			w,	# pcap(), write_pidfile()

  /usr/bin/passt.avx2			ix,	# arch_avx2_exec(), arch.c

  ### Rules for pasta
  ### TODO: AppArmor doesn't give us the chance to attach a separate profile
  ### depending on the executable symlink. That's possible with SELinux. Two
  ### alternatives: implement that in AppArmor, or consider aa_change_hat(2).
  ### With this, rules for passt(1) could be restricted significantly. Note that
  ### the attach_disconnected flag is not needed for passt(1).

  @{PROC}/net/tcp			r,	# procfs_scan_listen(), util.c
  @{PROC}/net/tcp6			r,
  @{PROC}/net/udp			r,
  @{PROC}/net/udp6			r,

  @{run}/user/@{uid}/netns/*		r,	# pasta_open_ns(), pasta.c

  @{PROC}/[0-9]*/ns/net			r,	# pasta_wait_for_ns(),
  @{PROC}/[0-9]*/ns/user		r,	# conf_pasta_ns()

  /dev/net/tun				rw,	# tap_ns_tun(), tap.c

  owner @{PROC}/@{pid}/gid_map		w,	# pasta_start_ns(), conf_ugid()
  owner @{PROC}/@{pid}/setgroups	w,
  owner @{PROC}/@{pid}/uid_map		rw,

  owner @{PROC}/sys/net/ipv4/ping_group_range w, # pasta_spawn_cmd(), pasta.c
  /{usr/,}bin/**			Ux,