#!/bin/sh # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # # PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport # for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode # # PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction # for network namespace/tap device mode # # test/lib/setup_ugly - Setup functions using screen-scraping instead of context # # Copyright (c) 2022 Red Hat GmbH # Author: Stefano Brivio INITRAMFS_MEM="${BASEPATH}/mbuto.mem.img" # setup_distro() - Set up pane layout for distro tests setup_distro() { layout_host } # setup_pasta_options() - Set up layout and host context without starting pasta setup_pasta_options() { context_setup_host host layout_pasta_simple } # setup_memory() - Start qemu in guest pane, and passt in passt context setup_memory() { layout_memory pane_or_context_run guest 'qemu-system-$(uname -m)' \ ' -machine accel=kvm' \ ' -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \ ' -kernel ' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \ ' -initrd '${INITRAMFS_MEM}' -nographic -serial stdio' \ ' -nodefaults' \ ' -append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0"' \ " -pidfile ${STATESETUP}/qemu.pid" } # teardown_distro() - Nothing to do, yet teardown_distro() { : } # teardown_pasta_options() - Tear down pasta and host context, no namespace teardown_pasta_options() { teardown_context_watch ${PANE_HOST} host teardown_context_watch ${PANE_PASST} passt } # teardown_passt() - Kill qemu with ^C, remove passt PID file teardown_memory() { kill $(cat "${STATESETUP}/qemu.pid") }