#define UNIX_SOCK_PATH "/tmp/passt.socket" /** * struct tap_msg - Generic message descriptor for arrays of messages * @start: Pointer to message start * @l4_start: Pointer to L4 header * @len: Message length, with L2 headers * @l4_len: Message length, with L4 headers */ struct tap_msg { char *start; char *l4h; size_t len; size_t l4_len; }; #include "icmp.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "udp.h" /** * struct ctx - Execution context * @epollfd: file descriptor for epoll instance * @fd_unix: AF_UNIX socket for tap file descriptor * @v4: Enable IPv4 transport * @mac: Host MAC address * @mac_guest: Guest MAC address * @addr4: IPv4 address for external, routable interface * @mask4: IPv4 netmask, network order * @gw4: Default IPv4 gateway, network order * @dns4: IPv4 DNS address, network order * @v6: Enable IPv6 transport * @addr6: IPv6 address for external, routable interface * @gw6: Default IPv6 gateway * @dns4: IPv6 DNS address * @ifn: Name of routable interface */ struct ctx { int epollfd; int fd_unix; unsigned char mac[ETH_ALEN]; unsigned char mac_guest[ETH_ALEN]; int v4; uint32_t addr4; uint32_t mask4; uint32_t gw4; uint32_t dns4; int v6; struct in6_addr addr6; struct in6_addr addr6_guest; struct in6_addr gw6; struct in6_addr dns6; char ifn[IF_NAMESIZE]; struct icmp_ctx icmp; struct tcp_ctx tcp; struct tcp_ctx udp; };