path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
31 files changed, 4816 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/build/all b/test/build/all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa6c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/build/all
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/build/all - Build targets, one by one, then all together, check output
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+htools make cc rm uname getconf
+test Build passt
+host make clean
+check ! [ -e passt ]
+host CFLAGS="-Werror" make passt
+check [ -f passt ]
+test Build pasta
+host make clean
+check ! [ -e pasta ]
+host CFLAGS="-Werror" make pasta
+check [ -h pasta ]
+test Build qrap
+host make clean
+check ! [ -e qrap ]
+host CFLAGS="-Werror" make qrap
+check [ -f qrap ]
+test Build all
+host make clean
+check ! [ -e passt ]
+check ! [ -e pasta ]
+check ! [ -e qrap ]
+host CFLAGS="-Werror" make
+check [ -f passt ]
+check [ -h pasta ]
+check [ -f qrap ]
+test Build AVX2
+host make clean
+check ! [ -e passt ]
+check ! [ -e pasta ]
+check ! [ -e qrap ]
+host CFLAGS="-Werror" make avx2
+check [ -f passt ]
+check [ -h pasta ]
+check [ -f qrap ]
diff --git a/test/build/install b/test/build/install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a09fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/build/install
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/build/install - Check that binaries and man pages can be installed
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+req build/all
+htools make mkdir cp rm man
+tempdir TEMP
+test Install
+host prefix=__TEMP__ make install
+check [ -f __TEMP__/bin/passt ]
+check [ -h __TEMP__/bin/pasta ]
+check [ -f __TEMP__/bin/qrap ]
+check man -M __TEMP__/man -W passt
+check man -M __TEMP__/man -W pasta
+check man -M __TEMP__/man -W qrap
+test Uninstall
+host prefix=__TEMP__ make uninstall
+check ! [ -f __TEMP__/bin/passt ]
+check ! [ -h __TEMP__/bin/pasta ]
+check ! [ -f __TEMP__/bin/qrap ]
+check ! man -M __TEMP__/man -W passt 2>/dev/null
+check ! man -M __TEMP__/man -W pasta 2>/dev/null
+check ! man -M __TEMP__/man -W qrap 2>/dev/null
diff --git a/test/ci b/test/ci
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e5224d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ci
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+run \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/demo/passt b/test/demo/passt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6edbf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/demo/passt
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/demo/passt - Quick introduction to passt
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt
+say This is a short introduction to
+em passt
+say .
+sleep 3
+say Let's fetch the source
+sleep 1
+tempdir TEMPDIR
+host cd __TEMPDIR__
+host git clone https://passt.top/passt
+sleep 1
+say and build it.
+sleep 1
+host cd passt
+host make avx2
+sleep 1
+say A quick look at the man page...
+sleep 1
+hostb man ./passt.1
+sleep 5
+hostb /ports
+sleep 2
+hostb n
+sleep 2
+hostb n
+sleep 10
+say '-t' to forward TCP ports.
+sleep 3
+host q
+say Let's create a small initramfs image for the guest.
+guest cd __TEMPDIR__
+guest git clone https://mbuto.lameexcu.se/mbuto
+guest cd mbuto
+guest ./mbuto -f passt.img -p passt -c lz4
+sleep 2
+say We want to isolate passt and guest in a
+say network namespace. For convenience, we'll
+say create it with 'pasta', see also the
+say 'pasta' demo above.
+sleep 3
+passt cd __TEMPDIR__/passt
+passt ./pasta
+sleep 3
+passt /sbin/dhclient
+sleep 2
+passt /sbin/dhclient -6
+sleep 2
+say Now let's run 'passt' in the new namespace, and
+say enter this namespace from the guest terminal too.
+sleep 3
+pout TARGET_PID echo $$
+sleep 1
+passtb ./passt -f -t 5201,5203
+sleep 2
+guest nsenter -t __TARGET_PID__ -U -n --preserve-credentials
+sleep 5
+say We're ready to start qemu with the qrap wrapper,
+say that we currently need to connect the netdev
+say back-end to passt's UNIX domain socket.
+sleep 2
+hout VMLINUZ echo "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)"
+guest ../passt/qrap 5 kvm -m 4096 -cpu host -smp 4 -kernel __VMLINUZ__ -initrd passt.img -nographic -serial stdio -nodefaults -append "console=ttyS0 virtio-net.napi_tx=1" -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384 -netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0
+sleep 10
+guest ip li sh
+sleep 3
+say Guest is up. Let's configure IPv4 first...
+sleep 2
+guest dhclient
+sleep 2
+guest ip ad sh
+sleep 5
+say SLAAC is already done, but we can also
+say get another address via DHCPv6.
+sleep 3
+guest dhclient -6
+sleep 3
+say Let's try to communicate between host and guest.
+sleep 2
+guestb nc -6 -l -p 5201
+sleep 2
+host echo "Hello from the host" | nc -N ::1 5201
+sleep 5
+say Now the other way around... using
+say the address of the default gateway.
+sleep 2
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+sleep 5
+hostb nc -l -p 31337
+sleep 2
+guest echo "Hello from the guest" | nc -N __GW__ 31337
+sleep 3
+say Let's have a (quick!) look at performance
+say more in the "Performance" section below.
+sleep 3
+host nsenter -t __TARGET_PID__ -U -n --preserve-credentials
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=536870912
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=536870912
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=33554432
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=33554432
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 131072 268435456"
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 131072 268435456"
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
+host sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 524288 134217728"
+host sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 524288 134217728"
+host sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs
+th flow host>guest guest>host
+set OPTS -P4 -w 64M -l 1M -i1 --pacing-timer 100000
+tr TCP/IPv6 throughput
+hostb sleep 10; iperf3 -c ::1 __OPTS__
+gout BW iperf3 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+sleep 5
+guestb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __GW6__%__IFNAME__ -p 5202 __OPTS__ -O3
+hout BW iperf3 -s1J -p 5202 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+tl TCP/IPv6 RR latency
+guestb tcp_rr -C 5201 -P 5203 -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_rr -C 5201 -P 5203 --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+gout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+tl TCP/IPv6 CRR latency
+guestb tcp_crr -C 5201 -P 5203 -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_crr -C 5201 -P 5203 --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+gout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+tr TCP/IPv4 throughput
+hostb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __OPTS__
+gout BW iperf3 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+sleep 5
+guestb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __GW__ -p 5202 __OPTS__ -O3
+hout BW iperf3 -s1J -p 5202 | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+tl TCP/IPv4 RR latency
+guestb tcp_rr -C 5201 -P 5203 -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_rr -C 5201 -P 5203 --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+gout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+tl TCP/IPv4 CRR latency
+guestb tcp_crr -C 5201 -P 5203 -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_crr -C 5201 -P 5203 --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+gout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 800
+sleep 2
+say Thanks for watching!
+sleep 5
diff --git a/test/demo/pasta b/test/demo/pasta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508323a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/demo/pasta
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/demo/pasta - Quick introduction to pasta
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor pasta
+say This is a short introduction to
+em pasta
+say .
+sleep 3
+say Let's fetch the source
+sleep 1
+tempdir TEMPDIR
+host cd __TEMPDIR__
+host git clone https://passt.top/passt
+sleep 1
+say and build it.
+sleep 1
+host cd passt
+host make
+sleep 1
+say A quick look at the man page...
+sleep 1
+hostb man ./pasta.1
+sleep 5
+hostb /pasta
+sleep 2
+hostb n
+sleep 2
+hostb n
+sleep 10
+say without TARGET_PID, it will create a namespace.
+sleep 3
+passt cd __TEMPDIR__/passt
+passt ./pasta
+sleep 3
+say For convenience, let's enter this namespace
+say from another terminal.
+sleep 3
+pout TARGET_PID echo $$
+sleep 1
+ns nsenter -t __TARGET_PID__ -U -n --preserve-credentials
+sleep 5
+say Now, we're ready to configure networking.
+sleep 2
+host q
+ns ip li sh
+sleep 3
+say Let's configure IPv4 first...
+sleep 2
+ns dhclient
+sleep 2
+ns ip ad sh
+sleep 5
+say SLAAC is already done, but we can also
+say get another address via DHCPv6.
+sleep 3
+ns dhclient -6
+sleep 3
+say Let's try to communicate between host and namespace
+sleep 2
+say ...there's no need to configure port forwarding,
+say pasta detects bound ports and forwards them.
+sleep 3
+nsb nc -6 -l -p 31337
+sleep 2
+host echo "Hello from the host" | nc -N ::1 31337
+sleep 5
+say Now the other way around...
+say we can use a loopback address
+hostb nc -l -p 31337
+sleep 2
+ns echo "Hello from the namespace" | nc -N 31337
+sleep 5
+say or the address of the default gateway.
+sleep 2
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+sleep 5
+hostb nc -l -p 31337
+sleep 2
+ns echo "Hello from the namespace" | nc -N __GW__ 31337
+sleep 3
+say UDP...
+sleep 2
+ns host -t A passt.top
+sleep 3
+say seems to work too.
+sleep 3
+em pasta
+say can also take packet captures.
+sleep 3
+passt exit
+sleep 2
+temp TEMP
+passtb ./pasta -p __TEMP__.pcap
+sleep 2
+passt /sbin/dhclient
+sleep 2
+hostb tshark -r __TEMP__.pcap
+sleep 5
+say And there are tons of totally useless
+sleep 1
+bsp 14
+say absolutely useful features
+say you can find described in the man page.
+sleep 5
+say Let's have a (quick!) look at performance
+say more in the "Performance" section below.
+sleep 3
+passt exit
+passt CFLAGS="-g" make avx2
+sleep 2
+passt perf record -g ./pasta
+sleep 2
+pout TARGET_PID echo $$
+sleep 1
+ns nsenter -t __TARGET_PID__ -U -n --preserve-credentials
+sleep 5
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs
+th flow init>ns ns>init
+set OPTS -P4 -l 1M -w 32M -i1 --pacing-timer 100000
+tr TCP/IPv6 throughput
+nsb sleep 10; iperf3 -c ::1 __OPTS__
+hout BW iperf3 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 10.0 20.0
+sleep 5
+hostb sleep 10; iperf3 -c ::1 __OPTS__
+nsout BW iperf3 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 10.0 20.0
+tl TCP/IPv6 RR latency
+hostb tcp_rr -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+nsb tcp_rr -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+tl TCP/IPv6 CRR latency
+hostb tcp_crr -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+nsb tcp_crr -6 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+tr TCP/IPv4 throughput
+nsb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __OPTS__
+hout BW iperf3 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 10.0 20.0
+sleep 5
+hostb sleep 10; iperf3 -c __OPTS__
+nsout BW iperf3 -s1J | jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"
+bw __BW__ 10.0 20.0
+tl TCP/IPv4 RR latency
+hostb tcp_rr -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+nsb tcp_rr -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+tl TCP/IPv4 CRR latency
+hostb tcp_crr -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+nsb tcp_crr -4 --nolog
+sleep 2
+hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 500
+sleep 2
+sleep 5
+passt exit
+sleep 2
+killp PASST
+killp HOST
+sleep 2
+nsb perf report -g --max-stack 3
+sleep 10
+say I
+em knew
+say it.
+em syscalls
+say .
+sleep 5
+say Thanks for watching!
+sleep 5
diff --git a/test/dhcp/passt b/test/dhcp/passt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85cb264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dhcp/passt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/dhcp/passt - Check DHCP and DHCPv6 functionality in passt mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt passt_in_ns
+gtools ip jq dhclient sed tr
+htools ip jq sed tr head
+test Interface name
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+hout HOST_IFNAME ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").dev'
+check [ -n "__IFNAME__" ]
+test DHCP: address
+guest /sbin/dhclient __IFNAME__
+gout ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+hout HOST_ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__HOST_IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+check [ "__ADDR__" = "__HOST_ADDR__" ]
+test DHCP: route
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+hout HOST_GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+check [ "__GW__" = "__HOST_GW__" ]
+test DHCP: MTU
+gout MTU ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").mtu'
+check [ __MTU__ = 65520 ]
+test DHCP: DNS
+gout DNS sed -n 's/^nameserver \([0-9]*\.\)\(.*\)/\1\2/p' /etc/resolv.conf | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+hout HOST_DNS sed -n 's/^nameserver \([0-9]*\.\)\(.*\)/\1\2/p' /etc/resolv.conf | head -n3 | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+check [ "__DNS__" = "__HOST_DNS__" ]
+# FQDNs should be terminated by dots, but the guest DHCP client might omit them:
+# strip them first
+test DHCP: search list
+gout SEARCH sed 's/\. / /g' /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/\.$//g' | sed -n 's/^search \(.*\)/\1/p' | tr ' \n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+hout HOST_SEARCH sed 's/\. / /g' /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/\.$//g' | sed -n 's/^search \(.*\)/\1/p' | tr ' \n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+check [ "__SEARCH__" = "__HOST_SEARCH__" ]
+test DHCPv6: address
+guest /sbin/dhclient -6 __IFNAME__
+gout ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.prefixlen == 128).local'
+hout HOST_ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__HOST_IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local'
+check [ "__ADDR6__" = "__HOST_ADDR6__" ]
+test DHCPv6: route
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+hout HOST_GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+check [ "__GW6__" = "__HOST_GW6__" ]
+# Strip interface specifier: interface names might differ between host and guest
+test DHCPv6: DNS
+gout DNS6 sed -n 's/^nameserver \([^:]*:\)\([^%]*\).*/\1\2/p' /etc/resolv.conf | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+hout HOST_DNS6 sed -n 's/^nameserver \([^:]*:\)\([^%]*\).*/\1\2/p' /etc/resolv.conf | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+check [ "__DNS6__" = "__HOST_DNS6__" ]
+test DHCPv6: search list
+gout SEARCH6 sed 's/\. / /g' /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/\.$//g' | sed -n 's/^search \(.*\)/\1/p' | tr ' \n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+hout HOST_SEARCH6 sed 's/\. / /g' /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/\.$//g' | sed -n 's/^search \(.*\)/\1/p' | tr ' \n' ',' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\n/g'
+check [ "__SEARCH6__" = "__HOST_SEARCH6__" ]
diff --git a/test/dhcp/pasta b/test/dhcp/pasta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8ecaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dhcp/pasta
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/dhcp/pasta - Check DHCP and DHCPv6 functionality in pasta mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor pasta
+nstools ip jq /sbin/udhcpc /sbin/dhclient
+htools ip jq
+test Interface name
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+check [ -n "__IFNAME__" ]
+test DHCP: address
+ns /sbin/udhcpc -i __IFNAME__
+nsout ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+hout HOST_ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+check [ __ADDR__ = __HOST_ADDR__ ]
+test DHCP: route
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+hout HOST_GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+check [ __GW__ = __HOST_GW__ ]
+test DHCP: MTU
+nsout MTU ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").mtu'
+check [ __MTU__ = 65520 ]
+test DHCPv6: address
+ns /sbin/dhclient -6 __IFNAME__
+nsout ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.prefixlen == 128).local'
+hout HOST_ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local'
+check [ __ADDR6__ = __HOST_ADDR6__ ]
+test DHCPv6: route
+nsout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+hout HOST_GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+check [ __GW6__ = __HOST_GW6__ ]
diff --git a/test/env/mate-terminal.profile b/test/env/mate-terminal.profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01379fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/env/mate-terminal.profile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+font='Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 9'
diff --git a/test/icmp/passt_in_ns b/test/icmp/passt_in_ns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5be29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/icmp/passt_in_ns
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/icmp/passt_in_ns - Check ICMP/ICMPv6 functionality for passt in ns
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# These tests can work reliably only within an isolated namespace: the host
+# might have a net.ipv4.ping_group_range sysctl value not allowing pasta's gid
+# to create "ping" sockets. Inside the namespace, there's a single group, which
+# is allowed by default to create them.
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+nstools ip jq sleep
+gtools ping ip jq
+test ICMP echo: guest to ns
+nsout IFNAME_NS ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns ip addr add dev __IFNAME_NS__
+guest ping -c1 -w1
+gout RET echo $?
+ns ip addr del dev __IFNAME_NS__
+check [ __RET__ -eq 0 ]
+test ICMPv6 echo: guest to ns
+ns ip addr add 2001:db8::1 dev __IFNAME_NS__ && sleep 2 # DAD
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest ping -c1 -w1 2001:db8::1
+gout RET echo $?
+ns ip addr del 2001:db8::1 dev __IFNAME_NS__
+check [ __RET__ -eq 0 ]
diff --git a/test/lib/layout b/test/lib/layout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a07f9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/layout
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/layout - tmux pane layouts
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# layout_host() - Simple host commands layout with info and host panes
+layout_host() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -h -l '35%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "test log"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ info_layout "host commands only"
+ sleep 1
+# layout_pasta() - Panes for host, pasta, and separate one for namespace
+layout_pasta() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -l '42%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_NS} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_ns.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_NS} -T "namespace"
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "test log"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "pasta"
+ info_layout "single pasta instance with namespace"
+ sleep 1
+# layout_passt() - Panes for host, passt, and guest
+layout_passt() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -l '42%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_GUEST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_guest.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST} -T "guest"
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "test log"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "passt"
+ info_layout "single passt instance with guest"
+ sleep 1
+# layout_passt_in_pasta() - Host, passt within pasta, namespace and guest
+layout_passt_in_pasta() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -v -l '45%' -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -l '42%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test:1.0
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_GUEST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_guest.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST} -T "guest"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_NS} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_ns.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_NS} -T "namespace"
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "test log"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "passt in pasta (namespace)"
+ info_layout "passt and guest in namespace, connected by pasta"
+ sleep 1
+# layout_two_guests() - Two guest panes, two passt panes, plus host and log
+layout_two_guests() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -l '33%'
+ tmux split-window -h -t passt_test:1.1
+ tmux split-window -h -l '35%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test:1.0
+ for i in `seq 0 5`; do
+ tmux select-pane -t $i -T "${i}"
+ done
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_GUEST_1} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_guest_1.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST_1} -T "guest #1 in namespace #1"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_GUEST_2} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_guest_2.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST_2} -T "guest #2 in namespace #2"
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "test log"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST_1} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt_1.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST_1} -T "passt #1 in namespace #1"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST_2} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt_2.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST_2} -T "passt #2 in namespace #2"
+ info_layout "two guests, two passt instances, in namespaces"
+ sleep 1
+# layout_demo_pasta() - Four panes for pasta demo
+layout_demo_pasta() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ sleep 1
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -l '42%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_NS} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_ns.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_NS} -T "namespace"
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T ""
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "pasta"
+ sleep 1
+# layout_demo_passt() - Four panes for passt demo
+layout_demo_passt() {
+ sleep 3
+ tmux kill-pane -a -t 0
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ sleep 1
+ cmd_write 0 clear
+ tmux split-window -v -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -t passt_test
+ tmux split-window -h -l '42%' -t passt_test:1.0
+ get_info_cols
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_GUEST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_guest.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST} -T "guest"
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} 'while cat /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe; do :; done'
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -N 100 C-m
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T ""
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_HOST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_host.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_HOST} -T "host"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_PASST} "cat >> ${LOGDIR}/pane_passt.log"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "passt in pasta (namespace)"
+ sleep 1
diff --git a/test/lib/perf_report b/test/lib/perf_report
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..111c154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/perf_report
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/perf_report - Prepare JavaScript report for performance tests
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs. Threads are <span style="font-family: monospace;">iperf3</span> processes, <i>passt</i> and <i>pasta</i> are currently single-threaded.<br/>
+Click on numbers to show test execution. Measured at head, commit <span style="font-family: monospace;">__commit__</span>.
+<style type="text/CSS">
+table td { border: 0px solid; padding: 10px; }
+table td { text-align: right; }
+table th { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; }
+table tr:not(:first-of-type) td:not(:first-of-type) { font-family: monospace; font-weight: bolder; }
+table.passt tr:nth-child(3n+0) { background-color: #112315; }
+table.passt tr:not(:nth-child(3n+0)) td { background-color: #101010; }
+table.passt td:nth-child(6n+7) { background-color: #603302; }
+table.passt tr:nth-child(1) { background-color: #363e61; }
+td:empty { visibility: hidden; }
+<table class="passt" width="70%">
+ <tr>
+ <th/>
+ <th id="perf_passt_tcp" colspan="__passt_tcp_cols__">TCP, __passt_tcp_threads__ at __passt_tcp_freq__ GHz</th>
+ <th id="perf_passt_udp" colspan="__passt_udp_cols__">UDP, __passt_udp_threads__ at __passt_udp_freq__ GHz</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">MTU:</td>
+ __passt_tcp_header__
+ __passt_udp_header__
+ </tr>
+ __passt_tcp_LINE__ __passt_udp_LINE__
+<style type="text/CSS">
+table td { border: 0px solid; padding: 10px; }
+table td { text-align: right; }
+table th { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; }
+table.pasta tr:nth-child(3n+0) { background-color: #112315; }
+table.pasta tr:not(:nth-child(3n+0)) td { background-color: #101010; }
+table.pasta td:nth-child(4n+5) { background-color: #603302; }
+table.pasta tr:nth-child(1) { background-color: #363e61; }
+td:empty { visibility: hidden; }
+</li><li><p>pasta: local connections/traffic</p>
+<table class="pasta" width="70%">
+ <tr>
+ <th/>
+ <th id="perf_pasta_lo_tcp" colspan="__pasta_lo_tcp_cols__">TCP, __pasta_lo_tcp_threads__ at __pasta_lo_tcp_freq__ GHz</th>
+ <th id="perf_pasta_lo_udp" colspan="__pasta_lo_udp_cols__">UDP, __pasta_lo_udp_threads__ at __pasta_lo_udp_freq__ GHz</th>
+ </th>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">MTU:</td>
+ __pasta_lo_tcp_header__
+ __pasta_lo_udp_header__
+ </tr>
+ __pasta_lo_tcp_LINE__ __pasta_lo_udp_LINE__
+</li><li><p>pasta: connections/traffic via tap</p>
+<table class="pasta" width="70%">
+ <tr>
+ <th/>
+ <th id="perf_pasta_tap_tcp" colspan="__pasta_tap_tcp_cols__">TCP, __pasta_tap_tcp_threads__ at __pasta_tap_tcp_freq__ GHz</th>
+ <th id="perf_pasta_tap_udp" colspan="__pasta_tap_udp_cols__">UDP, __pasta_tap_udp_threads__ at __pasta_tap_udp_freq__ GHz</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">MTU:</td>
+ __pasta_tap_tcp_header__
+ __pasta_tap_udp_header__
+ </tr>
+ __pasta_tap_tcp_LINE__ __pasta_tap_udp_LINE__
+var perf_links = [
+for (var i = 0; i < perf_links.length; i++) {
+ var obj = document.getElementById(perf_links[i][0]);
+ obj.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
+ var ci_video = document.getElementById("ci_video");
+ var top = ci_video.offsetTop - 5;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ ci_video.play();
+ ci_video.pause();
+ for (var i = 0; i < perf_links.length; i++) {
+ if (this.id == perf_links[i][0]) {
+ ci_video.currentTime = perf_links[i][1] - 10;
+ }
+ }
+ window.scrollTo({ top: top, behavior: "smooth" })
+ ci_video.play();
+ }, false);
+# perf_init() - Process first part of template
+perf_init() {
+ echo "${PERF_TEMPLATE_HTML}" > "${PERF_JS}"
+ perf_report_sub commit "$(echo ${COMMIT} | sed "s/'/\\\'/g")"
+# perf_fill_lines() - Fill multiple "LINE" directives in template, matching rows
+perf_fill_lines() {
+ while true; do
+ __file_line="$(sed -n '/__.*_LINE__/{=;q}' "${PERF_JS}")"
+ [ -z "${__file_line}" ] && break
+ __line_no=0
+ __done=0
+ __line_buf="<tr>"
+ while true; do
+ __match_first_td=0
+ for __t in $(sed -n '/__.*_LINE__/{p;q}' "${PERF_JS}"); do
+ if [ ${__match_first_td} -eq 1 ]; then
+ __matching_line_no=0
+ while true; do
+ __line_part=
+ __var_name="$(echo $__t | sed -n 's/__\(.*\)__/\1_'"${__matching_line_no}"'/p')"
+ [ -z "$(eval echo \$${__var_name})" ] && break
+ __line_part="$(eval echo \$${__var_name})"
+ __td_check="$(echo "${__line_part}" | sed -n 's/^<td>\([^>]*\)<\/td>.*$/\1/p')"
+ if [ "${__td_check}" = "${__td_match}" ]; then
+ __line_part="$(echo "${__line_part}" | sed -n 's/^<td>[^>]*<\/td>\(.*\)$/\1/p')"
+ break
+ fi
+ __matching_line_no=$((__matching_line_no + 1))
+ done
+ else
+ __var_name="$(echo $__t | sed -n 's/__\(.*\)__/\1_'"${__line_no}"'/p')"
+ [ -z "$(eval echo \$${__var_name})" ] && __done=1 && break
+ __line_part="$(eval echo \$${__var_name})"
+ __td_match="$(echo "${__line_part}" | sed -n 's/^<td>\([^>]*\)<\/td>.*$/\1/p')"
+ fi
+ __line_buf="${__line_buf}${__line_part}"
+ __match_first_td=1
+ done
+ [ ${__done} -eq 1 ] && break
+ __line_no=$((__line_no + 1))
+ __line_buf="${__line_buf}</tr><tr>"
+ done
+ __line_buf="${__line_buf}</tr>"
+ __line_buf="$(printf '%s\n' "${__line_buf}" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')"
+ sed -i "${__file_line}s/.*/${__line_buf}/" "${PERF_JS}"
+ done
+# perf_finish() - Add trailing backslashes and process ending templates
+perf_finish() {
+ perf_fill_lines
+ sed -i 's/^.*$/&\\/g' "${PERF_JS}"
+ echo "${PERF_TEMPLATE_JS}" >> "${PERF_JS}"
+ echo "${PERF_TEMPLATE_POST}" >> "${PERF_JS}"
+# perf_report_sub() - Apply simple substitutions in template
+perf_report_sub() {
+ __et="$(printf '%s\n' "${1}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')"
+ __es="$(printf '%s\n' "${2}" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')"
+ sed -i 's/__'"${__et}"'__/'"${__es}"'/g' "${PERF_JS}"
+# perf_report_append() - Append generic string to current JavaScript report
+perf_report_append() {
+ echo "${@}" >> "${PERF_JS}"
+# perf_report_append() - Append generic string to current template buffer
+perf_report_append_js() {
+# perf_report() - Start of single test report
+perf_report() {
+ __mode="${1}"
+ __proto="${2}"
+ __threads="${3}"
+ __freq="${4}"
+ REPORT_IN="${__mode}_${__proto}"
+ [ ${__threads} -eq 1 ] && __threads="one thread" || __threads="${__threads} threads"
+ perf_report_sub "${__mode}_${__proto}_threads" "${__threads}"
+ perf_report_sub "${__mode}_${__proto}_freq" "${__freq}"
+ perf_report_append_js "[ 'perf_${__mode}_${__proto}', $(video_time_now) ],"
+# perf_th() - Table header for a set of tests
+perf_th() {
+ shift
+ __th_buf=
+ __cols_count=0
+ for __arg; do
+ __th_buf="${__th_buf}<td>${__arg}</td>"
+ __cols_count=$((__cols_count + 1))
+ done
+ perf_report_sub "${REPORT_IN}_header" "${__th_buf}"
+ perf_report_sub "${REPORT_IN}_cols" ${__cols_count}
+# perf_tr() - Main table row
+perf_tr() {
+ __line_no=0
+ shift
+ while true; do
+ [ -z "$(eval echo \$${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no})" ] && break
+ __line_no=$((__line_no + 1))
+ done
+ eval ${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no}="\"<td>${@}</td>\""
+# perf_td() - Single cell with test result
+perf_td() {
+ __rewind="${1}"
+ shift
+ __line_no=0
+ while true; do
+ [ -z "$(eval echo \$${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no})" ] && break
+ __line_no=$((__line_no + 1))
+ done
+ __line_no=$((__line_no - 1))
+ [ -z "${1}" ] && __id=0 || __id="perf_${PERF_LINK_COUNT}"
+ eval ${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no}=\""\${${REPORT_IN}_LINE_${__line_no}}<td id=\"${__id}\">${1}</td>"\"
+ [ -z "${1}" ] && return
+ perf_report_append_js "[ '${__id}', $(($(video_time_now) - ${__rewind})) ],"
+# perf_te() - End of a table, currently unused
+pert_te() {
+ :
diff --git a/test/lib/setup b/test/lib/setup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd68f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/setup
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/setup - Set up and tear down passt and pasta environments
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+VCPUS="$( [ $(nproc) -ge 8 ] && echo 4 || echo $(( $(nproc) / 2 + 1 )) )"
+__mem_kib="$(sed -n 's/MemTotal:[ ]*\([0-9]*\) kB/\1/p' /proc/meminfo)"
+VMEM="$((${__mem_kib} / 1024 / 8))"
+# setup_build() - Set up pane layout for build tests
+setup_build() {
+ MODE=build
+ layout_host
+# setup_passt() - Build guest initrd with mbuto, start qemu and passt
+setup_passt() {
+ MODE=passt
+ layout_passt
+ __mbuto_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
+ pane_run GUEST "git -C ${__mbuto_dir} clone https://mbuto.lameexcu.se/mbuto/"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ pane_run GUEST "${__mbuto_dir}/mbuto/mbuto -p passt -c lz4 -f mbuto.img"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ rm -rf "${__mbuto_dir}"
+ # Ports:
+ #
+ # guest | host
+ # --------------|---------------------
+ # 10001 as server | forwarded to guest
+ # 10003 | as server
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST "./passt ${__opts} -f -t 10001 -u 10001"
+ sleep 1
+ pane_run GUEST './qrap 5 kvm -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
+ '-kernel' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
+ '-initrd mbuto.img -nographic -serial stdio' \
+ '-nodefaults ' \
+ '-append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
+ 'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
+ "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384"\
+ "-netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+# setup_pasta() - Create a network and user namespace, connect pasta to it
+setup_pasta() {
+ MODE=pasta
+ layout_pasta
+ pane_run NS "unshare -rUn /bin/sh "
+ pane_wait NS
+ pane_run NS 'echo $$'
+ pane_wait NS
+ __pasta_pid="$(pane_parse NS)"
+ # Ports:
+ #
+ # ns | host
+ # ------------------|---------------------
+ # 10002 as server | spliced to ns
+ # 10003 spliced to init | as server
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST "./pasta ${__opts} -f -t 10002 -T 10003 -u 10002 -U 10003 ${__pasta_pid}"
+ sleep 1
+# setup_passt_in_ns() - Set up namespace (with pasta), run qemu and passt into it
+setup_passt_in_ns() {
+ MODE=passt_in_ns
+ layout_passt_in_pasta
+ # Ports:
+ #
+ # guest | ns | host
+ # -------------|--------------------|-----------------
+ # 10001 as server | forwarded to guest | spliced to ns
+ # 10002 | as server | spliced to ns
+ # 10003 | spliced to init | as server
+ # 10011 as server | forwarded to guest | spliced to ns
+ # 10012 | as server | spliced to ns
+ # 10013 | spliced to init | as server
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_with_passt.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST "./pasta ${__opts} -t 10001,10002,10011,10012 -T 10003,10013 -u 10001,10002,10011,10012 -U 10003,10013"
+ sleep 1
+ pane_run PASST ''
+ pane_wait PASST
+ pane_run PASST 'echo $$'
+ pane_wait PASST
+ __ns_pid="$(pane_parse PASST)"
+ pane_run GUEST "nsenter -t ${__ns_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
+ pane_run NS "nsenter -t ${__ns_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ pane_wait NS
+ pane_run NS "ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == \"ether\").ifname'"
+ pane_wait NS
+ __ifname="$(pane_parse NS)"
+ pane_run NS "/sbin/udhcpc -i ${__ifname}"
+ pane_wait NS
+ sleep 2
+ pane_run NS "/sbin/dhclient -6 ${__ifname}"
+ pane_wait NS
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_in_pasta.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ #pane_run PASST "valgrind --max-stackframe=2097208 ./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001,10011 -u 10001,10011"
+ pane_run PASST "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001,10011 -u 10001,10011"
+ sleep 1
+ pane_run GUEST './qrap 5 kvm -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
+ '-kernel' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
+ '-initrd mbuto.img -nographic -serial stdio' \
+ '-nodefaults ' \
+ '-append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
+ 'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
+ "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=131072"\
+ "-netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+# setup_two_guests() - Set up two namespace, run qemu and passt in both of them
+setup_two_guests() {
+ MODE=passt_in_ns
+ layout_two_guests
+ # Ports:
+ #
+ # guest #1 | guest #2 | ns #1 | ns #2 | host
+ # --------- |-----------|-----------|------------|------------
+ # 10001 as server | | to guest | to init | to ns #1
+ # 10002 | | as server | | to ns #1
+ # 10003 | | to init | to init | as server
+ # 10004 | as server | to init | to guest | to ns #2
+ # 10005 | | | as server | to ns #2
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_1.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST_1 "./pasta ${__opts} -t 10001,10002 -T 10003,10004 -u 10001,10002 -U 10003,10004"
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/pasta_2.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST_2 "./pasta ${__opts} -t 10004,10005 -T 10003,10001 -u 10004,10005 -U 10003,10001"
+ sleep 1
+ pane_run PASST_1 ''
+ pane_run PASST_2 ''
+ pane_wait PASST_1
+ pane_wait PASST_2
+ pane_run PASST_1 'echo $$'
+ pane_run PASST_2 'echo $$'
+ pane_wait PASST_1
+ pane_wait PASST_2
+ __ns1_pid="$(pane_parse PASST_1)"
+ __ns2_pid="$(pane_parse PASST_2)"
+ pane_run GUEST_1 "nsenter -t ${__ns1_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
+ pane_run GUEST_2 "nsenter -t ${__ns2_pid} -U -n --preserve-credentials"
+ pane_run PASST_1 "ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == \"ether\").ifname'"
+ pane_wait PASST_1
+ __ifname="$(pane_parse PASST_1)"
+ pane_run GUEST_1 "/sbin/udhcpc -i ${__ifname}"
+ pane_run GUEST_2 "/sbin/udhcpc -i ${__ifname}"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ sleep 2
+ pane_run GUEST_1 "/sbin/dhclient -6 ${__ifname}"
+ pane_run GUEST_2 "/sbin/dhclient -6 ${__ifname}"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_1.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST_1 "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10001 -u 10001"
+ sleep 1
+ __opts=
+ [ ${PCAP} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -p /tmp/passt_2.pcap"
+ [ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ] && __opts="${__opts} -d"
+ pane_run PASST_2 "./passt -f ${__opts} -t 10004 -u 10004"
+ pane_run GUEST_2 'cp mbuto.img mbuto_2.img'
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ pane_run GUEST_1 './qrap 5 kvm -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
+ '-kernel' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
+ '-initrd mbuto.img -nographic -serial stdio' \
+ '-nodefaults ' \
+ '-append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
+ 'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
+ "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384"\
+ "-netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"
+ pane_run GUEST_2 './qrap 5 kvm -m '${VMEM}' -cpu host -smp '${VCPUS} \
+ '-kernel' "/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)" \
+ '-initrd mbuto_2.img -nographic -serial stdio' \
+ '-nodefaults ' \
+ '-append "console=ttyS0 mitigations=off apparmor=0 ' \
+ 'virtio-net.napi_tx=1"' \
+ "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,x-txburst=16384"\
+ "-netdev socket,fd=5,id=hostnet0"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+# teardown_passt() - Kill qemu and passt
+teardown_passt() {
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-c"
+ pane_wait PASST
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-c"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+# teardown_passt() - Exit namespace, kill pasta process
+teardown_pasta() {
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-c"
+ pane_wait PASST
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS} "C-d"
+ pane_wait NS
+# teardown_passt_in_ns() - Exit namespace, kill qemu, passt and pasta
+teardown_passt_in_ns() {
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-c"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-c"
+ pane_wait PASST
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS} "C-d"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ pane_wait NS
+ pane_wait PASST
+# teardown_two_guests() - Exit namespaces, kill qemu processes, passt and pasta
+teardown_two_guests() {
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST_1} "C-c"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST_1} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST_2} "C-c"
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST_2} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_1} "C-c"
+ pane_wait PASST_1
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_1} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_2} "C-c"
+ pane_wait PASST_2
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_PASST_2} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS_1} "C-d"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_NS_2} "C-d"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ ns_1_wait
+ ns_2_wait
+ pane_wait PASST_1
+ pane_wait PASST_2
+# setup() - Run setup_*() functions
+# $*: Suffix list of setup_*() functions to be called
+setup() {
+ for arg do
+ eval setup_${arg}
+ done
+# teardown() - Run teardown_*() functions
+# $*: Suffix list of teardown_*() functions to be called
+teardown() {
+ for arg do
+ eval teardown_${arg}
+ done
diff --git a/test/lib/term b/test/lib/term
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48f0f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/term
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/term - Set up tmux sessions and panes, handle terminals and logs
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# Commands of X terminals for "CI" and "demo" runs
+DEMO_XTERM="cool-retro-term --verbose --workdir"
+CI_XTERM="mate-terminal --hide-menubar --profile=passt_ci --working-directory"
+PR_DELAY_INIT=100 # ms
+# info() - Highlight test log pane, print message to it and to log file
+# $@: Message to print
+info() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ echo "${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ echo "${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_n() - Highlight, print message to pane and to log file without newline
+# $@: Message to print
+info_n() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf "${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf "${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_nolog() - Highlight test log pane, print message to it
+# $@: Message to print
+info_nolog() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ echo "${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+# info_nolog() - Print message to log file
+# $@: Message to print
+log() {
+ echo "${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_nolog_n() - Send message to pane without highlighting it, without newline
+# $@: Message to print
+info_nolog_n() {
+ tmux send-keys -l -t ${PANE_INFO} "${@}"
+# info_sep() - Print given separator, horizontally filling test log pane
+# $1: Separator character
+info_sep() {
+ tmux send-keys -l -N ${STATUS_COLS} -t ${PANE_INFO} "${1}"
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} C-m
+# sleep_char() - Sleep for typed characted resembling interactive input
+# $1: Character typed to pane
+sleep_char() {
+ [ ${FAST} -eq 1 ] && return
+ if [ "${1}" = " " ]; then
+ PR_DELAY=$((PR_DELAY + 40))
+ elif [ -n "$(printf '%s' "${1}" | tr -d [:alnum:])" ]; then
+ PR_DELAY=$((PR_DELAY + 30))
+ elif [ ${PR_DELAY} -ge 30 ]; then
+ PR_DELAY=$((PR_DELAY / 3 * 2))
+ fi
+ sleep "$(printf 0.%03i ${PR_DELAY})" || sleep 1
+# display_delay() - Simple delay, omitted if $FAST is set
+display_delay() {
+ [ ${FAST} -eq 1 ] && return
+ sleep "${1}" || sleep 1
+# switch_pane() - Highlight given pane and reset character delay
+# $1: Pane number
+switch_pane() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${1}
+ display_delay "0.2"
+# cmd_write() - Write a command to a pane, letter by letter, and execute it
+# $1: Pane number
+# $@: Command to issue
+cmd_write() {
+ __pane_no=${1}
+ shift
+ switch_pane ${__pane_no}
+ __str="${@}"
+ while [ -n "${__str}" ]; do
+ __rem="${__str#?}"
+ __first="${__str%"$__rem"}"
+ if [ "${__first}" = ";" ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${__pane_no} -l '\;'
+ else
+ tmux send-keys -t ${__pane_no} -l "${__first}"
+ fi
+ sleep_char "${__first}"
+ __str="${__rem}"
+ done
+ tmux send-keys -t ${__pane_no} "C-m"
+# text_write() - Write text to info pane, letter by letter
+# $1: Pane number
+# $@: Command to issue
+text_write() {
+ __str="${@}"
+ while [ -n "${__str}" ]; do
+ __rem="${__str#?}"
+ __first="${__str%"$__rem"}"
+ if [ "${__first}" = ";" ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -l '\;'
+ else
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} -l "${__first}"
+ fi
+ sleep_char "${__first}"
+ __str="${__rem}"
+ done
+# text_backspace() - Slow backspace motion for demo
+# $1: Number of backspace characters
+text_backspace() {
+ for __count in $(seq 0 ${1}); do
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ sleep 0.1
+ done
+# em_write() - Write to log pane in red, for demo
+# $@: Text
+em_write() {
+ info_n "${PR_RED}${@}${PR_NC}"
+# pane_kill() - Kill a single pane given its name
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_kill() {
+ __pane_number=$(eval echo \$PANE_${1})
+ tmux kill-pane -t ${__pane_number}
+# pane_highlight() - Highlight a single pane given its name
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_highlight() {
+ __pane_number=$(eval echo \$PANE_${1})
+ switch_pane ${__pane_number}
+ sleep 3
+# pane_run() - Issue a command in given pane name
+# $1: Pane name
+# $@: Command to issue
+pane_run() {
+ __pane_name="${1}"
+ shift
+ __pane_number=$(eval echo \$PANE_${__pane_name})
+ eval ${__pane_name}_LAST_CMD=\"\${@}\"
+ cmd_write ${__pane_number} "${@}"
+# pane_wait() - Wait for command to be done in given pane name
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_wait() {
+ __pane_lc="$(echo "${1}" | tr [A-Z] [a-z])"
+ while [ "$(tail -n1 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log)" != '$ ' ] && \
+ [ "$(tail -n1 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log)" != '# ' ] && \
+ [ "$(tail -n1 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log)" != '# # ' ]; do
+ sleep 0.1 || sleep 1
+ done
+# pane_parse() - Print last line, @EMPTY@ if command had no output
+# $1: Pane name
+pane_parse() {
+ __pane_lc="$(echo "${1}" | tr [A-Z] [a-z])"
+ __buf="$(tail -n2 ${LOGDIR}/pane_${__pane_lc}.log | head -n1 | tr -d -c [:print:])"
+ [ "# $(eval printf '%s' \"\$${1}_LAST_CMD\")" != "${__buf}" ] && \
+ [ "$ $(eval printf '%s' \"\$${1}_LAST_CMD\")" != "${__buf}" ] &&
+ printf '%s' "${__buf}" || printf '@EMPTY@'
+# status_file_end() - Display and log messages when tests from one file are done
+status_file_end() {
+ [ -z "${STATUS_FILE}" ] && return
+ info_sep "="
+ log
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T ""
+# status_file_start() - Display and log messages when tests from one file start
+status_file_start() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ status_file_end
+ info_nolog "Starting tests in file: ${1}\n"
+ log "=== ${1}"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "${1}"
+ STATUS_FILE="${1}"
+# status_file_start() - Display and log messages when a single test starts
+status_test_start() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "Starting test: ${1}"
+ log "> ${1}"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO} -T "${STATUS_FILE} [${STATUS_FILE_INDEX}/${STATUS_FILE_NTESTS}] - ${1}"
+# info_check() - Display and log messages for a single test condition check
+info_check() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf "${PR_YELLOW}?${PR_NC} ${@}" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf "? ${@}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_check_passed() - Display and log a new line when a check passes
+info_check_passed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf "\n" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf "\n" >> ${LOGFILE}
+# info_check_failed() - Display and log messages when a check fails
+info_check_failed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ printf " ${PR_RED}!${PR_NC}\n" >> /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ printf " < failed.\n" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# info_passed() - Display, log, and make status bar blink when a test passes
+info_passed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "...${PR_GREEN}passed${PR_NC}.\n"
+ log "...passed."
+ log
+ for i in `seq 1 3`; do
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour2 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ done
+# info_failed() - Display, log, and make status bar blink when a test passes
+info_failed() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "...${PR_RED}failed${PR_NC}.\n"
+ log "...failed."
+ log
+ for i in `seq 1 3`; do
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour196 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ sleep "0.1"
+ done
+ pause_continue \
+ "Press any key to pause test session" \
+ "Resuming in " \
+ "Paused, press any key to continue" \
+ 5
+# info_skipped() - Display and log skipped test
+info_skipped() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "...${PR_YELLOW}skipped${PR_NC}.\n"
+ log "...skipped."
+ log
+# info_layout() - Display string for new test layout
+info_layout() {
+ switch_pane ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "Test layout: ${PR_BLUE}${@}${PR_NC}.\n"
+# status_test_ok() - Update counter of passed tests, log and display message
+status_test_ok() {
+ tmux set status-right "PASS: ${STATUS_PASS} | FAIL: ${STATUS_FAIL} | #(TZ="UTC" date -Iseconds)"
+ info_passed
+# status_test_fail() - Update counter of failed tests, log and display message
+status_test_fail() {
+ tmux set status-right "PASS: ${STATUS_PASS} | FAIL: ${STATUS_FAIL} | #(TZ="UTC" date -Iseconds)"
+ info_failed
+# status_test_fail() - Update counter of failed tests, log and display message
+status_test_skip() {
+ info_skipped
+# table_header() - Print table header to log pane
+# $1: Header description
+# $@: Column headers
+table_header() {
+ perf_th ${@}
+ __ifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS=" "
+ __desc="${1}"
+ shift
+ __max_len=4
+ __count=0
+ for __h in ${@}; do
+ [ ${#__h} -gt ${__max_len} ] && __max_len=${#__h}
+ __count=$((__count + 1))
+ done
+ # > xxxx |<
+ __outer_len=$((__max_len + 3))
+ __width_fields=$((__outer_len * __count + 1))
+ TABLE_HEADER_LEFT=$((STATUS_COLS - __width_fields))
+ TABLE_CELL_SIZE=$((__max_len + 2))
+ TABLE_COLS=${__count}
+ __pad_left=$((TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__desc} - 2))
+ __buf="$(printf %-${__pad_left}s%s "" "${__desc}: ")"
+ for __h in ${@}; do
+ __pad_left=$(( (TABLE_CELL_SIZE - ${#__h} + 1) / 2))
+ __pad_right=$(( (TABLE_CELL_SIZE - ${#__h}) / 2))
+ __buf="${__buf}$(printf "|%-${__pad_left}s%s%-${__pad_right}s" "" ${__h} "")"
+ done
+ info_n "${__buf}|"
+ IFS="${__ifs}"
+# table_row() - Print main table row to log pane
+# $@: Column headers
+table_row() {
+ perf_tr ${@}
+ __line="${@}"
+ __buf="$(printf %-${TABLE_HEADER_LEFT}s "")"
+ for __i in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_COLS}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}|"
+ for __j in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_CELL_SIZE}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}-"
+ done
+ done
+ info_n "\n${__buf}|\n"
+ __pad_left=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line} + 1) / 2))
+ __pad_right=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line}) / 2))
+ info_n "$(printf "%-${__pad_left}s%s%-${__pad_right}s|" "" "${__line}" "")"
+# table_line() - Print simple line to log pane
+# $@: Column headers
+table_line() {
+ perf_tr ${@}
+ __line="${@}"
+ info_n "\n"
+ __pad_left=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line} + 1) / 2))
+ __pad_right=$(( (TABLE_HEADER_LEFT - ${#__line}) / 2))
+ info_n "$(printf "%-${__pad_left}s%s%-${__pad_right}s|" "" "${__line}" "")"
+table_cell() {
+ __len="${1}"
+ shift
+ __content="${@}"
+ __pad_left=$((TABLE_CELL_SIZE - __len - 1))
+ info_n "$(printf "%-${__pad_left}s%s |" "" "${__content}")"
+table_end() {
+ __buf="$(printf %-${TABLE_HEADER_LEFT}s "")"
+ for __i in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_COLS}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}'"
+ for __j in $(seq 1 ${TABLE_CELL_SIZE}); do
+ __buf="${__buf}-"
+ done
+ done
+ info_n "\n${__buf}'\n"
+table_value_throughput() {
+ [ "${1}" = "-" ] && table_cell 1 "-" && perf_td 0 "" && return 0
+ __v="$(echo "scale=1; x=( ${1} + 10^8 / 2 ) / 10^9; if ( x < 1 && x > 0 ) print 0; x" | bc -l)"
+ perf_td 31 "${__v}"
+ __red="${2}"
+ __yellow="${3}"
+ if [ "$(echo "${__v} < ${__red}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_RED}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ elif [ "$(echo "${__v} < ${__yellow}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_YELLOW}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ else
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_GREEN}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+table_value_latency() {
+ [ "${1}" = "-" ] && table_cell 1 "-" && perf_td 0 "" && return 0
+ __v="$(echo "scale=6; 1 / ${1} * 10^6" | bc -l)"
+ __v="${__v%.*}"
+ perf_td 11 "${__v}"
+ __red="${2}"
+ __yellow="${3}"
+ if [ "$(echo "${__v} > ${__red}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_RED}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ elif [ "$(echo "${__v} > ${__yellow}" | bc -l)" = "1" ]; then
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_YELLOW}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 1
+ else
+ table_cell ${#__v} "${PR_GREEN}${__v}${PR_NC}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+# pause_continue() - Pause for a while, wait for keystroke, resume on second one
+pause_continue() {
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_INFO}
+ info_nolog "${1}"
+ info_nolog_n "${2}"
+ __pause_tmp="$(mktemp)"
+ echo >> "${__pause_tmp}"
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_INFO} "cat >> ${__pause_tmp}"
+ __pane_buf=
+ __wait=0
+ sleep 1
+ for __i in $(seq ${4} -1 0); do
+ if [ "$(tail -n1 ${__pause_tmp} | tr -d -c [:print:])" != "${__pane_buf}" ]; then
+ __wait=1
+ break
+ fi
+ if [ ${__i} -ne ${4} ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ __pane_buf="${__pane_buf} "
+ fi
+ info_nolog_n "${__i} "
+ __pane_buf="${__pane_buf}${__i} "
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if [ ${__wait} -eq 1 ]; then
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_INFO} Bspace
+ info_nolog ""
+ info_nolog "${3}"
+ __pane_buf="$(tail -n1 ${__pause_tmp})"
+ while true; do
+ [ "$(tail -n1 ${__pause_tmp})" != "${__pane_buf}" ] && break
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ fi
+ tmux pipe-pane -O -t ${PANE_INFO} ""
+ rm "${__pause_tmp}"
+ info_nolog ""
+# run_term() - Start tmux session, X terminal if requested, running entry point
+run_term() {
+ export SHELL="/bin/sh"
+ if [ ${CI} -eq 1 ]; then
+ __xterm_done="$(mktemp)"
+ ${CI_XTERM} "$(pwd)" -e "sh -c \"printf '\e[8;50;240t'; tmux new-session -s passt_test ./ci from_term; echo >${__xterm_done}\""
+ while ! [ -s "${__xterm_done}" ]; do sleep 1; done
+ rm "${__xterm_done}"
+ elif [ ${DEMO} -eq 1 ]; then
+ while true; do
+ ${DEMO_XTERM} "$(pwd)" -e sh -c 'tmux new-session -s passt_test ./run_demo from_term'
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && { tmux kill-session -t passt_test; continue; }
+ break
+ done
+ else
+ tmux new-session -s passt_test ./run from_term
+ fi
+# term() - Set up terminal window and panes for regular tests or CI
+term() {
+ tmux set status-interval 1
+ tmux rename-window ''
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux set window-status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux new-window -n "Testing commit: ${COMMIT}"
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux set window-status-current-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set status-right '#(TZ="UTC" date -Iseconds)'
+ tmux set status-right-length 50
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour233 bold'
+ tmux set history-limit 500000
+ tmux select-pane -t 0 -T ''
+ tmux set pane-border-format '#T'
+ tmux set pane-border-style 'fg=colour2 bg=colour233'
+ tmux set pane-active-border-style 'fg=colour233 bg=colour4 bold'
+ tmux set pane-border-status bottom
+# term_demo() - Set up terminal window and panes for demo
+term_demo() {
+ tmux set status-interval 1
+ tmux rename-window ''
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux set window-status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour15 bold'
+ tmux set status-right ''
+ tmux set status-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour15 bold'
+ tmux set status-right-style 'bg=colour1 fg=colour15 bold'
+ tmux new-window -n "Demo at commit: ${COMMIT}"
+ tmux set window-status-format '#W'
+ tmux set window-status-current-format '#W'
+ tmux set status-left ''
+ tmux set window-status-separator ''
+ tmux select-pane -t 0 -T ''
+ tmux set pane-border-format '#T'
+ tmux set pane-border-style 'fg=colour2 bg=colour233'
+ tmux set pane-active-border-style 'fg=colour15 bg=colour4 bold'
+ tmux set pane-border-status bottom
diff --git a/test/lib/test b/test/lib/test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e3f4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/test
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/test - List tests and run them, evaluating directives from files
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# Empty, 'passt' or 'pasta', to match against 'onlyfor' directive
+# test_iperf3() - Ugly helper for iperf3c/iperf3s directives
+# $1: Role: client or server
+# $2: Pane name, can be lowercase
+# $3: Destination name or address for client
+# $4: Port number, ${i} is translated to process index
+# $5: Number of processes to run in parallel
+# $@: Options
+test_iperf3() {
+ __role="${1}"; shift
+ __pane="$(echo "${1}" | tr [a-z] [A-Z])"; shift
+ [ "${__role}" = "client" ] && __dest="${1}" && shift || __dest=""
+ __port="${1}"; shift
+ __procs="$((${1} - 1))"; shift
+ [ "${__role}" = "server" ] && __role_opt="-c" || __role_opt="-s1J"
+ if [ ${__role} = "client" ]; then
+ for __opt in ${@}; do
+ [ "${__opt}" = "-u" ] && UDP_CLIENT=1
+ done
+ (
+ sleep 2
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}');' \
+ 'do ( iperf3 -c '"${__dest}"' -p '"${__port}" \
+ "${@}" ' -T s${i} & echo $! > c${i}.pid & ); done'
+ sleep 36
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}'); do'\
+ 'kill -INT $(cat c${i}.pid) 2>/dev/null; done'
+ ) &
+ return
+ fi
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}'); do' \
+ ':> s${i}.bw; done'
+ pane_wait "${__pane}"
+ if [ ${UDP_CLIENT} -eq 0 ]; then
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}');' \
+ 'do ( ( iperf3 -s1J -p '"${__port} ${@}" \
+ '& echo $! > s${i}.pid ) 2>/dev/null' \
+ '| jq -rM ".end.sum_received.bits_per_second"' \
+ '> s${i}.bw & );' \
+ 'done'
+ else
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}');' \
+ 'do ( ( iperf3 -s1J -i 30 -p '"${__port} ${@}" \
+ '& echo $! > s${i}.pid ) 2>/dev/null' \
+ '| jq -rM ".intervals[0].sum.bits_per_second"' \
+ '> s${i}.bw & );' \
+ 'done'
+ fi
+ pane_wait "${__pane}"
+ sleep 38
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}'); do' \
+ 'kill -INT $(cat s${i}.pid) 2>/dev/null; done'
+ sleep 1
+ pane_wait "${__pane}"
+ pane_run "${__pane}" '(cat s*.bw |' \
+ 'sed '"'"'s/\(.*\)/\1\+/g'"'"' |' \
+ 'tr -d "\n"; echo 0) | bc -l'
+ pane_wait "${__pane}"
+ pane_parse "${__pane}"
+ pane_run "${__pane}" 'for i in $(seq 0 '${__procs}'); do' \
+ 'rm -f s${i}.bw; done'
+ pane_wait "${__pane}"
+# test_one() - Run a single test file evaluating directives
+# $1: Name of test file, relative to test/ directory
+test_one() {
+ __dirclean=
+ __test_file="test/${1}"
+ __type="$(file -b --mime-type ${__test_file})"
+ if [ "${__type}" = "text/x-shellscript" ]; then
+ status_file_start "${1}" 1
+ "${__test_file}" && status_test_ok || status_test_fail
+ return
+ fi
+ __ntests="$(grep -c "^test$(printf '\t')" "${__test_file}")"
+ [ ${DEMO} -eq 0 ] && status_file_start "${1}" "${__ntests}"
+ [ ${CI} -eq 1 ] && video_link "${1}"
+ __subs=
+ __nok=-1
+ __perf_nok=0
+ __skip=0
+ while IFS= read -r __line; do
+ # Strip comments
+ __line="${__line%%#*}"
+ # tab-split command and arguments, apply variable substitutions
+ __cmd="${__line%%$(printf '\t')*}"
+ __arg="${__line#*$(printf '\t')*}"
+ __arg="$(subs_apply "${__subs}" "${__arg}")"
+ [ ${__nok} -eq 1 ] && [ "${__cmd}" != "test" ] && continue
+ case ${__cmd} in
+ "tempdir")
+ __tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__arg}__" "${__tmpdir}")"
+ __dirclean="$(list_add "${__dirclean}" "${__tmpdir}")"
+ ;;
+ "temp")
+ __tmpfile="$(mktemp)"
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__arg}__" "${__tmpfile}")"
+ __dirclean="$(list_add "${__dirclean}" "${__tmpfile}")"
+ ;;
+ "test")
+ [ ${__perf_nok} -eq 0 ] || __nok=1
+ [ ${__nok} -eq 1 ] && status_test_fail
+ [ ${__nok} -eq 0 ] && status_test_ok
+ status_test_start "${__arg}"
+ __nok=0
+ __perf_nok=0
+ ;;
+ "host")
+ pane_run HOST "${__arg}"
+ pane_wait HOST
+ ;;
+ "hostb")
+ pane_run HOST "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "hostw")
+ pane_wait HOST
+ ;;
+ "htools")
+ pane_run HOST 'which '"${__arg}"' >/dev/null || echo skip'
+ pane_wait HOST
+ [ "$(pane_parse HOST)" = "skip" ] && { __skip=1; break; }
+ ;;
+ "passt")
+ pane_run PASST "${__arg}"
+ pane_wait PASST
+ ;;
+ "passtb")
+ pane_run PASST "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "passtw")
+ pane_wait PASST
+ ;;
+ "pout")
+ __varname="${__arg%% *}"
+ pane_run PASST "${__arg#* }"
+ pane_wait PASST
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__varname}__" "$(pane_parse PASST)")"
+ ;;
+ "guest")
+ pane_run GUEST "${__arg}"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ ;;
+ "guestb")
+ pane_run GUEST "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "guestw")
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ ;;
+ "guest1")
+ pane_run GUEST_1 "${__arg}"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ ;;
+ "guest1b")
+ pane_run GUEST_1 "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "guest1w")
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ ;;
+ "gtools")
+ pane_run GUEST 'which '"${__arg}"' >/dev/null || echo skip'
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ [ "$(pane_parse GUEST)" = "skip" ] && { __skip=1; break; }
+ ;;
+ "g1tools")
+ pane_run GUEST_1 'which '"${__arg}"' >/dev/null || echo skip'
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ [ "$(pane_parse GUEST_1)" = "skip" ] && { __skip=1; break; }
+ ;;
+ "g2tools")
+ pane_run GUEST_2 'which '"${__arg}"' >/dev/null || echo skip'
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ [ "$(pane_parse GUEST_2)" = "skip" ] && { __skip=1; break; }
+ ;;
+ "guest2")
+ pane_run GUEST_2 "${__arg}"
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ ;;
+ "guest2b")
+ pane_run GUEST_2 "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "guest2w")
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ ;;
+ "ns")
+ pane_run NS "${__arg}"
+ pane_wait NS
+ ;;
+ "nsb")
+ pane_run NS "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "nsw")
+ pane_wait NS
+ ;;
+ "nstools")
+ pane_run NS 'which '"${__arg}"' >/dev/null || echo skip'
+ pane_wait NS
+ [ "$(pane_parse NS)" = "skip" ] && { __skip=1; break; }
+ ;;
+ "gout")
+ __varname="${__arg%% *}"
+ pane_run GUEST "${__arg#* }"
+ pane_wait GUEST
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__varname}__" "$(pane_parse GUEST)")"
+ ;;
+ "g1out")
+ __varname="${__arg%% *}"
+ pane_run GUEST_1 "${__arg#* }"
+ pane_wait GUEST_1
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__varname}__" "$(pane_parse GUEST_1)")"
+ ;;
+ "g2out")
+ __varname="${__arg%% *}"
+ pane_run GUEST_2 "${__arg#* }"
+ pane_wait GUEST_2
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__varname}__" "$(pane_parse GUEST_2)")"
+ ;;
+ "hout")
+ __varname="${__arg%% *}"
+ pane_run HOST "${__arg#* }"
+ pane_wait HOST
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__varname}__" "$(pane_parse HOST)")"
+ ;;
+ "nsout")
+ __varname="${__arg%% *}"
+ pane_run NS "${__arg#* }"
+ pane_wait NS
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__varname}__" "$(pane_parse NS)")"
+ ;;
+ "check")
+ info_check "${__arg}"
+ eval "${__arg} || __nok=1"
+ if [ ${__nok} -eq 1 ]; then
+ info_check_failed
+ else
+ info_check_passed
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "sleep")
+ sleep "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "info")
+ info "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "report")
+ perf_report ${__arg}
+ ;;
+ "th")
+ table_header ${__arg}
+ ;;
+ "tr")
+ table_row "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "tl")
+ table_line "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "te")
+ table_end
+ ;;
+ "bw")
+ table_value_throughput ${__arg} || __perf_nok=1
+ ;;
+ "lat")
+ table_value_latency ${__arg} || __perf_nok=1
+ ;;
+ "iperf3c")
+ set -x
+ test_iperf3 client ${__arg}
+ set +x
+ ;;
+ "iperf3s")
+ set -x
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__arg%% *}__" "$(test_iperf3 server ${__arg#* })" )"
+ set +x
+ ;;
+ "set")
+ __subs="$(list_add_pair "${__subs}" "__${__arg%% *}__" "${__arg#* }")"
+ ;;
+ # Demo commands
+ "say")
+ text_write "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "em")
+ em_write "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "nl")
+ info_nolog ""
+ ;;
+ "hl")
+ pane_highlight "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "bsp")
+ text_backspace "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ "killp")
+ pane_kill "${__arg}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < "${__test_file}"
+ for __d in ${__dirclean}; do
+ rm -rf ${__d}
+ done
+ [ ${DEMO} -eq 1 ] && return
+ [ ${__skip} -eq 1 ] && status_test_skip && return
+ [ ${__perf_nok} -eq 0 ] || __nok=1
+ [ ${__nok} -eq 0 ] && status_test_ok || status_test_fail
+# test() - Build list of tests to run, in order, then issue test_one()
+# $1: Name of directory containing set of test files, relative to test/
+test() {
+ __list=
+ __rem=1
+ cd test
+ while [ ${__rem} -eq 1 ]; do
+ __rem=0
+ for __f in "${1}"/*; do
+ __type="$(file -b --mime-type ${__f})"
+ if [ "${__type}" = "text/x-shellscript" ]; then
+ __list="$(list_add "${__list}" "${__f}")"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$(file_def "${__f}" onlyfor)" ] && \
+ ! list_has "$(file_def "${__f}" onlyfor)" "${MODE}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if list_has_all "${__list}" "$(file_def "${__f}" req)"; then
+ __list="$(list_add "${__list}" "${__f}")"
+ else
+ __rem=1
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ cd ..
+ for __f in ${__list}; do
+ test_one "${__f}"
+ done
diff --git a/test/lib/util b/test/lib/util
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..52ae171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/util
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/util - Convenience functions
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# list_has() - Check whether a tab-separated list contains a given token
+# $1: List
+# $2: Token
+# Return: 0 if token was found or is empty, 1 otherwise
+list_has() {
+ [ -z "${2}" ] && return 0
+ __ifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS=' '
+ for __t in ${1}; do
+ [ "${__t}" = "${2}" ] && IFS="${__ifs}" && return 0
+ done
+ IFS="${__ifs}"
+ return 1
+# list_add() - Add token to tab-separated list, unless it's already present
+# $1: List
+# $2: Token
+list_add() {
+ list_has "${1}" "${2}" && return
+ [ -n "${1}" ] && printf '%s\t%s\n' "${1}" "${2}" || printf '%s\n' "${2}"
+# list_remove_pair() - Drop pair with given key if present
+# $1: List
+# $2: Key
+ __ifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS=' '
+ __skip_next=0
+ for __t in ${1}; do
+ [ ${__skip_next} -eq 1 ] && __skip_next=0 && continue
+ [ "${__t}" = "${2}" ] && __skip_next=1 && continue
+ printf '%s\t' "${__t}"
+ done
+ printf "\n"
+ IFS="${__ifs}"
+# list_add_pair() - Add token pair to list, replace if the first one is present
+# $1: List
+# $2: First token
+# $3: Second token
+list_add_pair() {
+ [ -z "${3}" ] && return
+ if [ -n "${1}" ]; then
+ __new_list="$(list_remove_pair "${1}" "${2}")"
+ printf '%s\t%s\t%s' "${__new_list}" "${2}" "${3}"
+ else
+ printf '%s\t%s' "${2}" "${3}"
+ fi
+ printf "\n"
+# list_has_all() - Check whether a list contains all given IFS-separated tokens
+# $1: List
+# $2: List of tokens
+# Return: 0 if list of tokens was found or is empty, 1 otherwise
+list_has_all() {
+ [ -z "${2}" ] && return 0
+ for __i in ${2}; do
+ list_has "${1}" "${__i}" || return 1
+ done
+ return 0
+# file_def() - List of tokens tab-separated line from file, starting with key
+# $1: Filename
+# $2: Token
+file_def() {
+ sed -n 's/^'"${2}"'\t\(.*\)/\1/p' "${1}" | tr ' ' '\t'
+# subs_apply() - Apply substitutions using a list of token pairs
+# $1: List of substitutions
+# $2: String where substitutions have to be applied
+subs_apply() {
+ echo "in subs_apply" >> /tmp/subs_apply
+ __ifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS=' '
+ __newarg="${2}"
+ __s=
+ for __t in ${1}; do
+ [ -z "${__s}" ] && __s="${__t}" && continue
+ echo "t: --${__t}--, --${__s}--" >> /tmp/subs_apply
+ __et="$(printf '%s\n' "$__t" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')"
+ __es="$(printf '%s\n' "$__s" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g')"
+ __newarg="$(printf '%s' "${__newarg}" | sed "s/${__es}/${__et}/g")"
+ __s=
+ done
+ printf '%s' "${__newarg}"
+ IFS="${__ifs}"
+# set_mode() - Set 'passt' or 'pasta' mode for terminal control, renaming panes
+# $1: Mode to be set
+set_mode() {
+ MODE="${1}"
+ if [ "${1}" = "pasta" ]; then
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST} -T "namespace"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "pasta"
+ else
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_GUEST} -T "guest"
+ tmux select-pane -t ${PANE_PASST} -T "passt"
+ fi
+# get_info_cols() - Get number of columns for info pane
+get_info_cols() {
+ __log_pane_cols=
+ __j=0
+ for __i in $(tmux list-panes -t passt_test:1.0 -F "#{pane_width}"); do
+ [ ${__j} -eq ${PANE_INFO} ] && STATUS_COLS=${__i} && break
+ __j=$((__j + 1))
+ done
diff --git a/test/lib/video b/test/lib/video
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd5849b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/video
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/lib/video - Video grabbing, JavaScript fragments with links
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+ Skip to:
+var video___VIDEO_NAME__links = [
+for (var i = 0; i < video___VIDEO_NAME__links.length; i++) {
+ var obj = document.getElementById(video___VIDEO_NAME__links[i][0]);
+ obj.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
+ var __VIDEO_NAME___video = document.getElementById("__VIDEO_NAME___video");
+ var top = __VIDEO_NAME___video.offsetTop - 5;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ __VIDEO_NAME___video.play();
+ __VIDEO_NAME___video.pause();
+ for (var i = 0; i < video___VIDEO_NAME__links.length; i++) {
+ if (this.id == video___VIDEO_NAME__links[i][0]) {
+ __VIDEO_NAME___video.currentTime = video___VIDEO_NAME__links[i][1];
+ }
+ }
+ window.scrollTo({ top: top, behavior: "smooth" })
+ __VIDEO_NAME___video.play();
+ }, false);
+# video_append_links() - Append generic string to JavaScript links file
+ printf "${@}" >> "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.js"
+# video_append_links() - Append generic string to buffer for links
+# video_grab() - Fetch window geometry, start grabbing video
+video_grab() {
+ VIDEO_NAME="${1}"
+ rm -f "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.mp4" "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.webm" "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.js"
+ __x=$(xwininfo -id $(xdotool getactivewindow) | sed -n 's/[ ]*Absolute upper-left X:[ ]*\([0-9]*\)$/\1/p')
+ __y=$(xwininfo -id $(xdotool getactivewindow) | sed -n 's/[ ]*Absolute upper-left Y:[ ]*\([0-9]*\)$/\1/p')
+ __width=$(xwininfo -id $(xdotool getactivewindow) | sed -n 's/[ ]*Width:[ ]*\([0-9]*\)$/\1/p')
+ __height=$(xwininfo -id $(xdotool getactivewindow) | sed -n 's/[ ]*Height:[ ]*\([0-9]*\)$/\1/p')
+ [ $((__width % 2)) ] && __width=$((__width - 1))
+ [ $((__height % 2)) ] && __height=$((__height - 1))
+ sleep 3
+ VIDEO_START_SECONDS=$(sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).[0-9]* [0-9]*.[0-9]*/\1/p' /proc/uptime)
+ ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 15 -video_size "${__width}x${__height}" -i "+${__x},${__y}" -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -pix_fmt yuv444p -draw_mouse 0 "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.mp4" & echo $! > "${FFMPEG_PID_FILE}"
+# video_time_now() - Print current video timestamp, in seconds
+video_time_now() {
+ __now=$(sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).[0-9]* [0-9]*.[0-9]*/\1/p' /proc/uptime)
+ echo $((__now - VIDEO_START_SECONDS))
+# video_stop() - Stop grabbing, finalise JavaScript templates, convert to webm
+video_stop() {
+ sed -i 's/^.*$/&\\/g' "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.js"
+ echo "${VIDEO_LINKS_TEMPLATE_JS}" | sed "s/__VIDEO_NAME__/${VIDEO_NAME}/g" >> "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.js"
+ echo "${VIDEO_LINKS_BUF}" >> "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.js"
+ kill -INT $(cat "${FFMPEG_PID_FILE}")
+ while ps -p $(cat "${FFMPEG_PID_FILE}") >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
+ [ ${1} -ne 0 ] && return
+ ffmpeg -an -fflags +genpts -i "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.mp4" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -row-mt 1 -minrate 10k -maxrate 200k -b:v 200k "${BASEPATH}/${VIDEO_NAME}.webm"
+# video_link() - Append single link to given video chapter
+video_link() {
+ [ ${VIDEO_LINKS_COUNT} -eq 0 ] && __sep="" || __sep=" |"
+ __id="video_link_${VIDEO_LINKS_COUNT}"
+ video_append_links "${__sep} <a id=\"${__id}\">${1}</a>"
+ video_append_links_js "[ '${__id}', $(($(video_time_now) - 1)) ],"
diff --git a/test/ndp/passt b/test/ndp/passt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e97a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ndp/passt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/ndp/passt - Check NDP functionality in passt mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt passt_in_ns
+gtools ip jq sipcalc grep
+htools ip jq sipcalc grep cut
+test Interface name
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ up && sleep 2
+hout HOST_IFNAME ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").dev'
+check [ -n "__IFNAME__" ]
+test SLAAC: prefix
+gout ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global" and .prefixlen == 64).local'
+gout PREFIX6 sipcalc __ADDR6__/64 | grep prefix | cut -d' ' -f4
+hout HOST_ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__HOST_IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local'
+hout HOST_PREFIX6 sipcalc __HOST_ADDR6__/64 | grep prefix | cut -d' ' -f4
+check [ "__PREFIX6__" = "__HOST_PREFIX6__" ]
+test SLAAC: route
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+hout HOST_GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+check [ __GW6__ = __HOST_GW6__ ]
diff --git a/test/ndp/pasta b/test/ndp/pasta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3eceae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ndp/pasta
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/ndp/pasta - Check DHCP and DHCPv6 functionality in pasta mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor pasta
+nstools ip jq sipcalc grep cut
+htools ip jq sipcalc grep cut
+test Interface name
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ up
+sleep 2
+hout HOST_IFNAME ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").dev'
+check [ -n "__IFNAME__" ]
+test SLAAC: prefix
+nsout ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global" and .prefixlen == 64).local'
+nsout PREFIX6 sipcalc __ADDR6__/64 | grep prefix | cut -d' ' -f4
+hout HOST_ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__HOST_IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local'
+hout HOST_PREFIX6 sipcalc __HOST_ADDR6__/64 | grep prefix | cut -d' ' -f4
+check [ "__PREFIX6__" = "__HOST_PREFIX6__" ]
+test SLAAC: route
+nsout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+hout HOST_GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+check [ __GW6__ = __HOST_GW6__ ]
diff --git a/test/perf/passt_tcp b/test/perf/passt_tcp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..047072d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/perf/passt_tcp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/perf/passt_tcp - Check TCP performance in passt mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+gtools sysctl ip jq nproc seq sleep bc iperf3 tcp_rr tcp_crr # From neper
+nstools sysctl ip jq nproc seq sleep bc iperf3 tcp_rr tcp_crr
+htools cpupower sed seq
+test passt: throughput and latency
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=536870912
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=536870912
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=33554432
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=33554432
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 131072 268435456"
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 131072 268435456"
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
+ns sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 524288 134217728"
+ns sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 524288 134217728"
+ns sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+hout FREQ cpupower frequency-info -lm | sed -n 's/.*- \(.*\) GHz$/\1/p'
+set THREADS 1
+set STREAMS 8
+set OPTS -Z -P __STREAMS__ -l 1M -i1 -t30 -O5 --pacing-timer 1000000
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, one thread at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams
+report passt tcp __THREADS__ __FREQ__
+th MTU 256B 576B 1280B 1500B 9000B 65520B
+tr TCP throughput over IPv6: guest to host
+bw -
+bw -
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1280
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.2 1.5
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.6 1.8
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 9000
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 32M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 128M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 7.0 8.0
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv6: guest to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_rr --nolog -6
+gout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv6: guest to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_crr --nolog -6
+gout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 500 400
+tr TCP throughput over IPv4: guest to host
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 256
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 1M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.2 0.3
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 576
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 1M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.5 0.8
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1280
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.2 1.5
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.6 1.8
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 9000
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 32M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 128M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 7.0 8.0
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv4: guest to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_rr --nolog -4
+gout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv4: guest to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_crr --nolog -4
+gout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 500 400
+tr TCP throughput over IPv6: host to guest
+bw -
+bw -
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1280
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.2
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 9000
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 32M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 5.0 6.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 64M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 6.0 6.8
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv6: host to guest
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+guestb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -6
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv6: host to guest
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+guestb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -6
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 500 350
+tr TCP throughput over IPv4: host to guest
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 256
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 1M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 576
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 1M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.5 1.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1280
+ns ip addr add ::1 dev lo
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 4M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 2.0 3.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 9000
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 32M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 5.0 6.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 64M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 6.0 6.8
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv4: host to guest
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+guestb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -4
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv6: host to guest
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+guestb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -4
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 500 300
diff --git a/test/perf/passt_udp b/test/perf/passt_udp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..528a75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/perf/passt_udp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/perf/passt_udp - Check UDP performance in passt mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+gtools sysctl ip jq nproc sleep iperf3 udp_rr # From neper
+nstools ip jq sleep iperf3 udp_rr
+htools cpupower sed
+test passt: throughput and latency
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16777216
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=16777216
+guest /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=16777216
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+hout FREQ cpupower frequency-info -lm | sed -n 's/.*- \(.*\) GHz$/\1/p'
+set THREADS 2
+set STREAMS 1
+set OPTS -u -i1 -t30 -P __STREAMS__ --pacing-timer 10000
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, __THREADS__ threads at __FREQ__ GHz, one stream each
+report passt udp __THREADS__ __FREQ__
+th MTU 256B 576B 1280B 1500B 9000B 65520B
+tr UDP throughput over IPv6: guest to host
+bw -
+bw -
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1280
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.8 1.2
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 9000
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 4G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c guest __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 5G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: guest to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb udp_rr --nolog -6
+gout LAT udp_rr --nolog -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tr UDP throughput over IPv4: guest to host
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 256
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 300M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.1 0.2
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 576
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 500M
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.4 0.6
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1280
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.8 1.2
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 9000
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 4G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+guest ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c guest __GW__ 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 5G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: guest to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb udp_rr --nolog -4
+gout LAT udp_rr --nolog -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tr UDP throughput over IPv6: host to guest
+bw -
+bw -
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1280
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.8 1.2
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 9000
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 4G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 6G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 5.0 5.5
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: host to guest
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+guestb udp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -6
+nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+tr UDP throughput over IPv4: host to guest
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 256
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 300M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.1 0.2
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 576
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 500M
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.4 0.6
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1280
+ns ip addr add ::1 dev lo
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.8 1.2
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 9000
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 4G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 4.0 5.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns 100${i}1 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 6G
+iperf3s BW guest 100${i}1 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 5.0 5.5
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: host to guest
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+guestb udp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -4
+nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10001 -C 10011 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
diff --git a/test/perf/pasta_tcp b/test/perf/pasta_tcp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a403eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/perf/pasta_tcp
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/perf/pasta_tcp - Check TCP performance in pasta mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+htools cpupower ip seq bc sleep iperf3 tcp_rr tcp_crr jq sed
+nstools sysctl nproc ip seq bc sleep iperf3 tcp_rr tcp_crr jq sed
+test pasta: throughput and latency (local connections)
+ns sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="131072 524288 134217728"
+ns sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="131072 524288 134217728"
+ns sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0
+set THREADS 2
+set STREAMS 2
+set OPTS -Z -w 4M -l 1M -P __STREAMS__ -i1 -t30 -O5 --pacing-timer 10000
+hout FREQ cpupower frequency-info -lm | sed -n 's/.*- \(.*\) GHz$/\1/p'
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, __THREADS__ threads at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams each
+report pasta lo_tcp __THREADS__ __FREQ__
+th MTU 1500B 4000B 16384B 65535B
+tr TCP throughput over IPv6: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv6: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 150 100
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv6: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 500 350
+tr TCP throughput over IPv4: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv4: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 150 100
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv4: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 500 350
+tr TCP throughput over IPv6: host to ns
+bw -
+bw -
+bw -
+iperf3c host ::1 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv6: host to ns
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6
+hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 150 100
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv6: host to ns
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6
+hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 700
+tr TCP throughput over IPv4: host to ns
+bw -
+bw -
+bw -
+iperf3c host 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 15.0 20.0
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv4: host to ns
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4
+hout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 150 100
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv4: host to ns
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+sleep 1
+nsb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4
+hout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1000 700
+test pasta: throughput and latency (connections via tap)
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+nsout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+set THREADS 1
+set STREAMS 2
+set OPTS -Z -P __STREAMS__ -i1 -t30 -O5 --pacing-timer 100000
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, one thread at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams
+report pasta tap_tcp __THREADS__ __FREQ__
+th MTU 1500B 4000B 16384B 65520B
+tr TCP throughput over IPv6: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 512k
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.2 0.4
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 1M
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 8M
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.5 2.0
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 8M
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 2.0 2.5
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv6: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 150 100
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv6: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1500 500
+tr TCP throughput over IPv4: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 512k
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.2 0.4
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 1M
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 8M
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.5 2.0
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -w 8M
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 2.0 2.5
+tl TCP RR latency over IPv4: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
+nsout LAT tcp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 150 100
+tl TCP CRR latency over IPv4: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
+nsout LAT tcp_crr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 1500 500
diff --git a/test/perf/pasta_udp b/test/perf/pasta_udp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dedbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/perf/pasta_udp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/perf/pasta_udp - Check UDP performance in pasta mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+htools cpupower ip sleep iperf3 udp_rr jq sed
+nstools ip sleep iperf3 udp_rr jq sed
+test pasta: throughput and latency (local traffic)
+hout FREQ cpupower frequency-info -lm | sed -n 's/.*- \(.*\) GHz$/\1/p'
+set THREADS 1
+set STREAMS 4
+set OPTS -u -i1 -t30 -P __STREAMS__
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, one thread at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams
+report pasta lo_udp 1 __FREQ__
+th MTU 1500B 4000B 16384B 65535B
+tr UDP throughput over IPv6: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.2 1.8
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 10G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 5.0 6.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+iperf3c ns ::1 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
+nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tr UDP throughput over IPv4: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 1500
+ns ip addr add ::1 dev lo
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.0 1.5
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 1.2 1.8
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 10G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 5.0 6.0
+ns ip link set dev lo mtu 65535
+iperf3c ns 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
+nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tr UDP throughput over IPv6: host to ns
+bw -
+bw -
+bw -
+iperf3c host ::1 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: host to ns
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6
+hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -6 -c -H ::1 | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tr UDP throughput over IPv4: host to ns
+bw -
+bw -
+bw -
+iperf3c host 100${i}2 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 15G
+iperf3s BW ns 100${i}2 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 7.0 9.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: host to ns
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+nsb udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4
+hout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10002 -C 10012 -4 -c -H | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+test pasta: throughput and latency (traffic via tap)
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+nsout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+info Throughput in Gbps, latency in µs, one thread at __FREQ__ GHz, __STREAMS__ streams
+report pasta tap_udp 1 __FREQ__
+th MTU 1500B 4000B 16384B 65520B
+tr UDP throughput over IPv6: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 1G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.5 0.8
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 3.0 4.0
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 6.0 7.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv6: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6
+nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -6 -c -H __GW6__%__IFNAME__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
+tr UDP throughput over IPv4: ns to host
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 1500
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 1G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.3 0.5
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 4000
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 2G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 0.5 0.8
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 16384
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 3.0 4.0
+ns ip link set dev __IFNAME__ mtu 65520
+iperf3c ns __GW__ 100${i}3 __THREADS__ __OPTS__ -b 3G
+iperf3s BW host 100${i}3 __THREADS__
+bw __BW__ 6.0 7.0
+tl UDP RR latency over IPv4: ns to host
+lat -
+lat -
+lat -
+hostb udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4
+nsout LAT udp_rr --nolog -P 10003 -C 10013 -4 -c -H __GW__ | sed -n 's/^throughput=\(.*\)/\1/p'
+lat __LAT__ 200 150
diff --git a/test/run b/test/run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d33951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/run
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/run - Entry point to run test cases and demo
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# Start an X terminal and capture a video of the test run (also set for ./ci)
+# Start an X terminal and show the demo (also set for ./demo)
+# Base path for output files
+# Location of log files for test run
+# If set, skip typing delays while issuing commands in panes
+# If set, run passt and pasta with debug options
+# If set, tell passt and pasta to take packet captures
+COMMIT="$(git log --oneline --no-decorate -1)"
+. lib/util
+. lib/setup
+. lib/term
+. lib/perf_report
+. lib/layout
+. lib/test
+. lib/video
+# cleanup() - Remove temporary files
+cleanup() {
+ rm -f /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+# run() - Call setup functions, run tests, handle exit from test session
+run() {
+ rm -f /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ mkfifo /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ term
+ perf_init
+ [ ${CI} -eq 1 ] && video_grab ci
+ setup build
+ test build
+ setup pasta
+ test ndp
+ test dhcp
+ test tcp
+ test udp
+ teardown pasta
+ setup passt
+ test ndp
+ test dhcp
+ test tcp
+ test udp
+ teardown passt
+ setup passt_in_ns
+ test ndp
+ test dhcp
+ test icmp
+ test tcp
+ test udp
+ test perf
+ teardown passt_in_ns
+ setup two_guests
+ test two_guests
+ teardown two_guests
+ perf_finish
+ [ ${CI} -eq 1 ] && video_stop ${STATUS_FAIL}
+ pause_continue \
+ "Press any key to keep test session open" \
+ "Closing in " \
+ "Interrupted, press any key to quit" \
+ 9
+ return ${STATUS_FAIL}
+# demo() - Simpler path for demo purposes
+demo() {
+ rm -f /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ mkfifo /tmp/.passt_test_log_pipe
+ FAST=0
+ term_demo
+ layout_demo_passt
+ video_grab demo_passt
+ MODE=passt
+ test demo
+ video_stop 0
+ tmux send-keys -t ${PANE_GUEST} "C-c"
+ layout_demo_pasta
+ video_grab demo_pasta
+ MODE=pasta
+ test demo
+ video_stop 0
+ return 0
+[ "$(basename "${0}")" = "ci" ] && CI=1
+[ "$(basename "${0}")" = "run_demo" ] && DEMO=1
+if [ "${1}" = "from_term" ]; then
+ cd ..
+ if [ ${DEMO} -eq 1 ]; then
+ demo
+ else
+ run
+ fi
+ tmux kill-session -t passt_test
+ exit
+ rm -rf "${LOGDIR}"
+ mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}"
+ :> "${LOGFILE}"
+ trap "cleanup" EXIT
+ run_term
+ trap "" EXIT
+tail -n1 ${LOGFILE}
+echo "Log at ${LOGFILE}"
+exit $(tail -n1 ${LOGFILE} | sed -n 's/.*FAIL: \(.*\)$/\1/p')
diff --git a/test/run_demo b/test/run_demo
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e5224d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/run_demo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+run \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/tcp/passt b/test/tcp/passt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31f111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tcp/passt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/tcp/passt - Check TCP functionality in passt mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt
+gtools nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+htools dd nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+test TCP/IPv4: host to guest: big transfer
+temp TEMP_BIG
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=10 > __TEMP_BIG__
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N 10001
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest to host: big transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest cat test_big.bin | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: host to guest: small transfer
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2k count=1 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N 10001
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest to host: small transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+sleep 1
+guest cat test_small.bin | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to guest: big transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+sleep 1
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest to host: big transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest cat test_big.bin | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to guest: small transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+sleep 1
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest to host: small transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+sleep 1
+guest cat test_small.bin | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" ]
diff --git a/test/tcp/passt_in_ns b/test/tcp/passt_in_ns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc4c7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tcp/passt_in_ns
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/tcp/passt_in_ns - Check TCP functionality for passt in ns with pasta
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+gtools nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+htools dd nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+nstools nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+test TCP/IPv4: host to guest: big transfer
+temp TEMP_BIG
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=10 > __TEMP_BIG__
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N 10001
+hout MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: host to ns: big transfer
+nsb nc -4 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_BIG__
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N 10002
+nsout NS_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest to host: big transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest cat test_big.bin | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest to ns: big transfer
+nsb nc -4 -l 10002 > __TEMP_BIG__
+guest cat test_big.bin | nc -N __GW__ 10002
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (spliced): big transfer
+sleep 1
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (via tap): big transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to guest (using loopback address): big transfer
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to guest (using namespace address): big transfer
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+nsout ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N __ADDR__ 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: host to guest: small transfer
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2k count=100 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N 10001
+hout MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: host to ns: small transfer
+nsb nc -4 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_SMALL__
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N 10002
+nsout NS_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest to host: small transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest cat test_small.bin | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest to ns: small transfer
+nsb nc -4 -l 10002 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+guest cat test_small.bin | nc -N __GW__ 10002
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (spliced): small transfer
+sleep 1
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (via tap): small transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to guest (using loopback address): small transfer
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to guest (using namespace address): small transfer
+guestb nc -4 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N __ADDR__ 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to guest: big transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to ns: big transfer
+nsb nc -6 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_BIG__
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10002
+nsout NS_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest to host: big transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest cat test_big.bin | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest to ns: big transfer
+nsb nc -6 -l 10002 > __TEMP_BIG__
+guest cat test_big.bin | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10002
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (spliced): big transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (via tap): big transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to guest (using loopback address): big transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to guest (using namespace address): big transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_big.bin
+nsout ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N __ADDR6__ 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_BIG md5sum test_big.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to guest: small transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to ns: small transfer
+nsb nc -6 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_SMALL__
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10002
+nsout NS_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest to host: small transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest cat test_small.bin | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest to ns: small transfer
+nsb nc -6 -l 10002 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+guest cat test_small.bin | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10002
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (spliced): small transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (via tap): small transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to guest (using loopback address): small transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to guest (using namespace address): small transfer
+guestb nc -6 -l 10001 > test_small.bin
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N __ADDR6__ 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5_SMALL md5sum test_small.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
diff --git a/test/tcp/pasta b/test/tcp/pasta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55548e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tcp/pasta
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/tcp/pasta - Check TCP functionality for pasta
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor pasta
+htools dd nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+nstools nc ip jq cat md5sum cut
+test TCP/IPv4: host to ns: big transfer
+temp TEMP_BIG
+nsb nc -4 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_BIG__
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=10 > __TEMP_BIG__
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N 10002
+hout MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+nsout NS_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (spliced): big transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (via tap): big transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: host to ns: small transfer
+nsb nc -4 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_SMALL__
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2k count=1 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N 10002
+hout MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+nsout NS_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (spliced): small transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: ns to host (via tap): small transfer
+hostb nc -4 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to ns: big transfer
+nsb nc -6 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_BIG__
+host cat __TEMP_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10002
+hout MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+nsout NS_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (spliced): big transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N ::1 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (via tap): big transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_BIG__
+nsout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_BIG__ | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_BIG md5sum __TEMP_BIG__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_BIG__" = "__MD5_BIG__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: host to ns: small transfer
+nsb nc -6 -l 10002 > __TEMP_NS_SMALL__
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2k count=1 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+host cat __TEMP_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10002
+hout MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+nsout NS_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (spliced): small transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N ::1 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: ns to host (via tap): small transfer
+hostb nc -6 -l 10003 > __TEMP_SMALL__
+ns cat __TEMP_NS_SMALL__ | nc -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5_SMALL md5sum __TEMP_SMALL__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5_SMALL__" = "__MD5_SMALL__" ]
diff --git a/test/two_guests/basic b/test/two_guests/basic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13277d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/two_guests/basic
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/two_guests/basic - Check basic functionality with two guests
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+g1tools ip jq dhclient nc cat
+g2tools ip jq dhclient nc cat
+htools ip jq cat md5sum cut
+test Interface names
+g1out IFNAME1 ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+g2out IFNAME2 ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+hout HOST_IFNAME ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").dev'
+check [ -n "__IFNAME1__" ]
+check [ -n "__IFNAME2__" ]
+test DHCP: addresses
+guest1 /sbin/dhclient __IFNAME1__
+guest2 /sbin/dhclient __IFNAME1__
+g1out ADDR1 ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME1__").addr_info[0].local'
+g2out ADDR2 ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME2__").addr_info[0].local'
+hout HOST_ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__HOST_IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+check [ "__ADDR1__" = "__HOST_ADDR__" ]
+check [ "__ADDR2__" = "__HOST_ADDR__" ]
+test DHCPv6: addresses
+guest1 /sbin/dhclient -6 __IFNAME1__
+guest2 /sbin/dhclient -6 __IFNAME1__
+g1out ADDR1_6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME1__").addr_info[] | select(.prefixlen == 128).local'
+g2out ADDR2_6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME2__").addr_info[] | select(.prefixlen == 128).local'
+hout HOST_ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__HOST_IFNAME__").addr_info[] | select(.scope == "global").local'
+check [ "__ADDR1_6__" = "__HOST_ADDR6__" ]
+check [ "__ADDR2_6__" = "__HOST_ADDR6__" ]
+test TCP/IPv4: guest 1 > guest 2
+g1out GW1 ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest2b nc -4 -l 10004 > msg
+guest1 echo "Hello_from_guest_1" | nc -N __GW1__ 10004
+sleep 1
+g2out MSG2 cat msg
+check [ "__MSG2__" = "Hello_from_guest_1" ]
+test TCP/IPv6: guest 2 > guest 1
+g2out GW2_6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest1b nc -6 -l 10001 > msg
+guest2 echo "Hello_from_guest_2" | nc -N __GW2_6__%__IFNAME2__ 10001
+sleep 1
+g1out MSG1 cat msg
+check [ "__MSG1__" = "Hello_from_guest_2" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: guest 1 > guest 2
+guest2b nc -u -W1 -4 -l 10004 > msg
+guest1 echo "Hello_from_guest_1" | nc -u -q1 __GW1__ 10004
+sleep 1
+g2out MSG2 cat msg
+check [ "__MSG2__" = "Hello_from_guest_1" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: guest 2 > guest 1
+guest1b nc -u -W1 -6 -l 10001 > msg
+guest2 echo "Hello_from_guest_2" | nc -u -q1 -N __GW2_6__%__IFNAME2__ 10001
+sleep 1
+g1out MSG1 cat msg
+check [ "__MSG1__" = "Hello_from_guest_2" ]
diff --git a/test/udp/passt b/test/udp/passt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223871f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/udp/passt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/udp/passt - Check UDP functionality in passt mode
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt
+gtools nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+htools printf dd nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+test UDP/IPv4: host to guest
+temp TEMP
+temp NC_PID
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10001 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=5 > __TEMP_BIG__ && printf "\nEND_OF_TEST\n" >> __TEMP__
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10001
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__HOST_MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: guest to host
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest cat test.bin | nc -u -q1 -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__HOST_MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: host to guest
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pid) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pid))
+sleep 1
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__HOST_MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: guest to host
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest cat test.bin | nc -u -q1 -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__HOST_MD5__" ]
diff --git a/test/udp/passt_in_ns b/test/udp/passt_in_ns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9b1a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/udp/passt_in_ns
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/udp/passt_in_ns - Check UDP functionality for passt in ns and pasta
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor passt_in_ns
+gtools nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+nstools nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+htools printf dd nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+test UDP/IPv4: host to guest
+temp TEMP
+temp NC_PID
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pic) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pic))
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=5 > __TEMP__ && printf "\nEND_OF_TEST\n" >> __TEMP__
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10001
+hout MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: host to ns
+temp TEMP_NS
+ns :> __TEMP_NS__
+nsb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10002 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP_NS__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10002
+nsout NS_MD5 md5sum __TEMP_NS__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: guest to host
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+gout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+guest cat test.bin | nc -u -q1 -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: guest to ns
+ns :> __TEMP_NS__
+nsb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10002 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP_NS__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+guest cat test.bin | nc -u -q1 -N __GW__ 10002
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: ns to host (recvmmsg/sendmmsg)
+sleep 1
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: ns to host (via tap)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: ns to guest (using loopback address)
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pid) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pid))
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: ns to guest (using namespace address)
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pid) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pid))
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+nsout ADDR ip -j -4 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N __ADDR__ 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: host to guest
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pid) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pid))
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: host to ns
+ns :> __TEMP_NS__
+nsb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10002 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP_NS__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10002
+nsout NS_MD5 md5sum __TEMP_NS__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: guest to host
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+gout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+gout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+guest cat test.bin | nc -u -q1 -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: guest to ns
+ns :> __TEMP_NS__
+nsb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10002 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP_NS__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+guest cat test.bin | nc -u -q1 -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10002
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: ns to host (recvmmsg/sendmmsg)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: ns to host (via tap)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: ns to guest (using loopback address)
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pid) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pid))
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: ns to guest (using namespace address)
+guestb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10001 & echo $! > nc.pid) | tee test.bin | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat nc.pid))
+nsout ADDR6 ip -j -6 ad sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.ifname == "__IFNAME__").addr_info[0].local'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N __ADDR6__ 10001
+gout GUEST_MD5 md5sum test.bin | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__GUEST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
diff --git a/test/udp/pasta b/test/udp/pasta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd4b72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/udp/pasta
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# PASST - Plug A Simple Socket Transport
+# for qemu/UNIX domain socket mode
+# PASTA - Pack A Subtle Tap Abstraction
+# for network namespace/tap device mode
+# test/udp/pasta - Check UDP functionality for pasta
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Red Hat GmbH
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+onlyfor pasta
+nstools nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+htools printf dd nc tee grep cat ip jq md5sum cut
+test UDP/IPv4: host to ns
+temp TEMP
+temp TEMP_NS
+temp NC_PID
+ns :> __TEMP_NS__
+nsb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10002 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP_NS__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+host dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=5 > __TEMP__ && printf "\nEND_OF_TEST\n" >> __TEMP__
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10002
+hout MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+nsout NS_MD5 md5sum __TEMP_NS__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: ns to host (recvmmsg/sendmmsg)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+sleep 1
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv4: ns to host (via tap)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -4 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+nsout GW ip -j -4 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N __GW__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: host to ns
+ns :> __TEMP_NS__
+nsb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10002 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP_NS__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+host cat __TEMP__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10002
+hout MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+nsout NS_MD5 md5sum __TEMP_NS__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__NS_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: ns to host (recvmmsg/sendmmsg)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+sleep 1
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N ::1 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]
+test UDP/IPv6: ns to host (via tap)
+host :> __TEMP__
+hostb (nc -u -q1 -6 -l 10003 & echo $! > __NC_PID__) | tee __TEMP__ | (grep -qm1 "END_OF_TEST" && kill $(cat __NC_PID__))
+nsout GW6 ip -j -6 ro sh|jq -rM '.[] | select(.dst == "default").gateway'
+nsout IFNAME ip -j li sh | jq -rM '.[] | select(.link_type == "ether").ifname'
+ns cat __TEMP_NS__ | nc -u -q1 -N __GW6__%__IFNAME__ 10003
+hout HOST_MD5 md5sum __TEMP__ | cut -d' ' -f1
+check [ "__HOST_MD5__" = "__MD5__" ]